Rank Em

(Cracks Knuckles)

1) Olsen
2) Coley
3) Burns
4) AQM
5) Odogwu
6) Sandland
7) Kamalu
8) Grace
9) Carter
10) Edwards
11) Bond
12) Dobard
13) Figueroa
14) Gall
15) RL3
16) Knighton

Coley, Burns, and Odogwu go in the 1st Round
1. Coley
2. AQM
3. Burns
4. Sandland
5. Olsen
6. Grace
7. Carter
8. Odogwu
9. Dobard
10. Bond
11. Gall
12. Figueroa
13. Edwards
14. Kamalu
16. Knighton

I'm a huge, huge fan of players 1-10. If Olsen turns out to the real deal, three years out, our top 10 will rival any other in the nation.
I'll say this, I think Bond and Edwards will surprise people. Bond plays fast and violent and off the edge I think can be really effective in certain situations. And Edwards reminds me a lot of Antwun Smith, who had a long career in the NFL with the Pats and won a Super Bowl or two.

As for ranking, I'll let the experts do all that. But I get the feeling that in hindsight this class will be looked at in a very positive light, some real playmakers here
Out of interest, how good is Howard?

He didn't play much last year - and obviously he was highly ranked.

I ask because Coley made him look pedestrian in that 7 on 7.
"Impact" is a tough word. It makes me automatically overvalue any QB. It changes some things for me, but here goes:

1. Olsen
2. AQM
3. Burns
4. Sandland
5. Coley
6. Grace
7. Carter
8. Gall
9. Dobard
10. Bond
11. Odogwu
12. Edwards
13. Figueroa
15. Knighton
16. Kamalu

I think the "impact" thing ***** things up a bit, so I'll do this as well...for the record:

All america level at some point in their careers (in order of likelihood):

1. Burns
2. Grace
3. AQM
4. Sandland
5. Coley

All conference level at some point their careers (in order of likelihood):

1. Olsen
2. Carter
3. Odogwu


1. Edwards
2. Gall
3. Dobard
4. Bond (shiiiat, may be a starter next year if EJ gets booted)

Key reserve:

1. Figueroa
2. RLIII (slot WR)
3. Knighton (center?)

No idea:

1. Kamalu
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Wow@ESF...I have not seen any film of AQM but I know ESF/ethnic does not heap praise so easily.

Anyone have any film of AQM or care to break down his strengths/scout analysis?
i think muhammad is the best de prospect we've brought in in 20 years. Sandland is every bit the te prospect olsen was. Coley is the best wr prospect to come here since andre. Edwards is a key ingredient we have not had in ages (a real big back). Olsen will be our best qb since dorsey. Burns and carter are biiig time db prospects. Grace is one of the better lb prospects we've had in a while (better as a prospect than buchanan was). Figueroa is a legit eddie johnson level kid. Gall brings fire to the mix at OC/OG and should start, bond has situational potential, and odogwu has high upside.

Here is my version of the ordering:

All america level: AQM, Sandland, Coley, Burns
All conference level: Olsen, Carter, Grace
Starter: Edwards (at FB); Figueroa, Gall
Key reserve: Bond, Odogwu, Dobard
ST: Lewis III,
No impact: Knighton, Kamalu

Wow on the comments on Muhhamad. Hopefully he can have that kind of impact.
1) Stacy Coley
2) Artie Burns
3) Quad Muhammad
4) Jermaine Grace


5) Sonny Odogwu
6) Kevin Olsen
7) Beau Sandland
8) Jamal Carter


9) Alex Gall
10) Standish Dobard
11) Devante Bond
12) Alex Figueroa
13) Ufomba Kamalu


15) Gus Edwards
16) Hunter Knighton
Guess I'm the only person who really likes Kamalu

Golden talked him up pretty big too, so you might be in good company. Hard to know if that was a little bit of media show, though, given the questions he faced about DT/DL recruiting.