quote that says it all

Neither of them were developed into anything over 3 whole years w Golden & staff! We all wanted both of them in the recruiting cycle. Both 4 star athletes from Texas. 3 years of playing on the worst Defense in college football.. Wouldn't you be glad it's "finally" over too?

No, I'd be ****ed off that my career is over and that I had a once in a lifetime opportunity that millions of kids dream of. Sure our coaching wasn't great but their attitude is equally as bad if not worse.

So you've over-interpreted twitter quotes into thinking you know these guys? What does a fan on Grassy know about the attitude of AJ Highsmith? Golden seemed to think highly of the guy regardless of what we think of his safety ability. I doubt he's a cancer.

You guys love to parlay all the negativity into talking **** about anybody as long as you can yell.