Question RE: AQM and Grace draft status

Both will get drafted and both will do well. Grace is absolutely as good as Spence and more versatile. 4th round and will be a steal!

Grace isn't going 4th round. He's been out of football essentially a year by the time the draft rolls around because he got kicked off the team. NFL teams won't care about the infractions, but the fact that he's undersized and was at best a mid-round pick heading into his senior year did him no favors. Going back a few months, most of us were calling these two morons as they would've shot up the draft boards and raised their stock in this defense. Corn sure as **** did.
^ We'll agree to disagree. I think you're underestimating how talented those two are, and NFL values talent as much as production, especially after first 3 rounds where they're willing to take more risks due to lower contract guarantees. Those guys are physical freaks and will crush the Miami Pro Day. Someone will take a chance on them.
Key question: will either be invited to the NFL Combine? My guess is no. Not enough positive film to take up two slots.

So, they have to kill it on pro day and hope for an invite to a regional combine and individual team workouts. Good luck to them both. So sorry that they used such poor judgment. Lost opportunity for them and for their team, our Canes.
I actually think Muhammad has a better shot at an NFL career than Grace. AQM has proven to be an effective DE against the run and pass. He's got good, not great size but can be a three down DE in the NFL. Grace's size is a hinderance. We're assuming he can play safety despite never taking a snap there while in college. As a linebacker, he's strictly a nickel specialist. There's a place on NFL rosters for those guys but most don't get consistent playing time. Sean Spence was twice the player Grace was in college and he's struggled to stay on the field in the NFL even when healthy.
Not even fair to judge Grace in the dog **** system he played in. Chik never looked like an NFL'er here either. All sorts of guys were better college players than others who were much better pros. What does that have to do with it. Grace playing in Diaz system woulda killed it. I'm saying Grace will be a better pro and I'm ok with being in the minority on that.
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I actually think Muhammad has a better shot at an NFL career than Grace. AQM has proven to be an effective DE against the run and pass. He's got good, not great size but can be a three down DE in the NFL. Grace's size is a hinderance. We're assuming he can play safety despite never taking a snap there while in college. As a linebacker, he's strictly a nickel specialist. There's a place on NFL rosters for those guys but most don't get consistent playing time. Sean Spence was twice the player Grace was in college and he's struggled to stay on the field in the NFL even when healthy.
Not even fair to judge Grace in the dog **** system he played in. Chik never looked like an NFL'er here either. All sorts of guys were better college players than others who were much better pros. What does that have to do with it. Grace playing in Diaz system woulda killed it. I'm saying Grace will be a better pro and I'm ok with being in the minority on that.

Where did I ever say Grace wasn't a good player? I don't see him making an impact in the NFL strictly because of his size. There aren't any 6' 200 lb linebackers in the league. Maybe he can transition to safety but we never saw him play a snap there. I feel Grace will be another in a llong line of undersized Miami linebackers who were great college players but just too undersized to play every down in the NFL.
I didn't say you did. You said Spence was twice the player Grace was in college. I say that's not the end all be all and how could you determine that during the dog **** years of dorito? I think Grace will be a better NFL'er. That's all
People are still holding onto their unjustified hype of AQM? He may have talent, never showed anything to justify the hype many had for him, but he's got rocks in his head and the NFL will know that.

Grace would've been a round 3 or 4 pick if not for his boneheaded move, but I wouldn't bet against him having a long NFL career.
Who cares! Both are a disgrace and hurt the team..

Will these two be eligible to enter the regular NFL draft or will they have to be supplemental picks? They were only dismissed from the team and not the university, correct? Does it even matter? TIA.
Jimmie Gaines played in the NFL. Assante Cleveland is still in the league. The Golden curve means it's very likely these kids make rosters and play in the NFL.
People are still holding onto their unjustified hype of AQM? He may have talent, never showed anything to justify the hype many had for him, but he's got rocks in his head and the NFL will know that.

Grace would've been a round 3 or 4 pick if not for his boneheaded move, but I wouldn't bet against him having a long NFL career.

Pretty hard to argue with that....