Question? If we go 6-6

6-6 is probably going to be the new normal moving forward. This program doesn't have much to work with, unfortunately.

If we go 6-6 or hover above/below .500...

1. you see Al Golden firing his friend, D'Onofrio? Actually, if things don't improve he should resign as D-Coord.
2. ...or moreover, do you see Golden making any changes? D'Onofrio? Fisch? Swasey?

Seriously? this is a question?

Is this real life?
I think Golden is a packaged deal with Coach D. I can't see him firing him. As long as Golden is here, I think we'll have to live with d'onofrio as well.

I know this is your opinion, but I don't think any of us know Golden well enough to know if that is true. Now I think it is fair to surmise that Golden may give him a longer rope (and even that is just a guess), but saying that he won't fire him? How many people on here wouldn't fire one of their best friend's if they were harming your business and given every chance to succeed?*

*As always, I give my disclaimer that I haven't seen enough, nor do I know enough about football and this specific situation to have an opinion on whether D'onofrio should stay or go; just saying that if Golden thinks he should go, I think he would probably pull the trigger... eventually.
Judge this team two seasons from now. When our FR are Juniors and our Sohph are Seniors. That coupled with our classes in between will be the first Golden team with depth. Then and only then should any Hire/fire decisions be made.

Agree with this… I mean come on the guysfirst recruiting class are freshman and last years class more than half wouldnt be on the team if AG were the coach. That first class was a two week patch up job.
Preach Brother well said star post.:crownpour:
What folks need to understand is that Golden's going to get a chance to turn the ship around. He'll have an opportunity to keep continuity in the staff unless something starkly needs to be changed.

What everyone needs to realize is, there's no magical, wonderful coach out there who could have THIS team competing on a high-national level and ranked. That guy does not exist--so wondering if we should get rid of Coach A for Coach B is a useless exercise of thought. Golden is trying to build it up. Notice I didn't say rebuild, just like he tends to avoid saying in interviews. Last year, we had some pieces to work with--and those guys are now either graduated, in the NFL, or have been dismissed for one reason or another. This current team isn't very good. It's not Miami caliber, and it's not really Golden's fault at all, and on both accounts--Golden fully realizes that, but he is going to work his *** off to make things better than they currently are.

We can quibble about schematics and strategy for each game all we want to as that's definitely valid, but in the big picture--Golden's going to be here for a while, and so is his staff. They're going to build it the way they know how, and do the best they can. All we can hope for is that the ceiling for "the best they can" is much higher than 8-9 win seasons at Temple, and that it is somewhere in the realm of where we used to be in the earlier part of this century.

The days are gone when we can just flip coaches in and out like crazy and still have success. We need a guy to be here for the long-term and to build our program back up.
Judge this team two seasons from now. When our FR are Juniors and our Sohph are Seniors. That coupled with our classes in between will be the first Golden team with depth. Then and only then should any Hire/fire decisions be made.

+1. How can you fairly judge them at this point. I will give them 2 years, but we better be close to working our way back into the top 10 on a regular bases.
What folks need to understand is that Golden's going to get a chance to turn the ship around. He'll have an opportunity to keep continuity in the staff unless something starkly needs to be changed.

What everyone needs to realize is, there's no magical, wonderful coach out there who could have THIS team competing on a high-national level and ranked. That guy does not exist--so wondering if we should get rid of Coach A for Coach B is a useless exercise of thought. Golden is trying to build it up. Notice I didn't say rebuild, just like he tends to avoid saying in interviews. Last year, we had some pieces to work with--and those guys are now either graduated, in the NFL, or have been dismissed for one reason or another. This current team isn't very good. It's not Miami caliber, and it's not really Golden's fault at all, and on both accounts--Golden fully realizes that, but he is going to work his *** off to make things better than they currently are.

We can quibble about schematics and strategy for each game all we want to as that's definitely valid, but in the big picture--Golden's going to be here for a while, and so is his staff. They're going to build it the way they know how, and do the best they can. All we can hope for is that the ceiling for "the best they can" is much higher than 8-9 win seasons at Temple, and that it is somewhere in the realm of where we used to be in the earlier part of this century.

The days are gone when we can just flip coaches in and out like crazy and still have success. We need a guy to be here for the long-term and to build our program back up.

Most of the folks here are still think the Thompsons Twins and Michael Jacksons Thriller are still playing on MTV. THe endless 80's fantasies on this board make them immune to your logical comment.
What folks need to understand is that Golden's going to get a chance to turn the ship around. He'll have an opportunity to keep continuity in the staff unless something starkly needs to be changed.

What everyone needs to realize is, there's no magical, wonderful coach out there who could have THIS team competing on a high-national level and ranked. That guy does not exist--so wondering if we should get rid of Coach A for Coach B is a useless exercise of thought. Golden is trying to build it up. Notice I didn't say rebuild, just like he tends to avoid saying in interviews. Last year, we had some pieces to work with--and those guys are now either graduated, in the NFL, or have been dismissed for one reason or another. This current team isn't very good. It's not Miami caliber, and it's not really Golden's fault at all, and on both accounts--Golden fully realizes that, but he is going to work his *** off to make things better than they currently are.

We can quibble about schematics and strategy for each game all we want to as that's definitely valid, but in the big picture--Golden's going to be here for a while, and so is his staff. They're going to build it the way they know how, and do the best they can. All we can hope for is that the ceiling for "the best they can" is much higher than 8-9 win seasons at Temple, and that it is somewhere in the realm of where we used to be in the earlier part of this century.

The days are gone when we can just flip coaches in and out like crazy and still have success. We need a guy to be here for the long-term and to build our program back up.

Most of the folks here are still think the Thompsons Twins and Michael Jacksons Thriller are still playing on MTV. THe endless 80's fantasies on this board make them immune to your logical comment.

You mean they aren't?
Another problem besides experience is poor football IQ!! I have been saying since RS 2nd year! And these guys have to absorb this type of scheme.Yep, it will take time!