Quan Lee, '22 WR (deCOMMITS)

Yes sir, I believe that data. This has been my take since it all started. Young people on FB 10 hours a day and they see all their "friends" all doing something while they are at work or at home. These people are having fun, posting the best filtered pics and looking like rock stars. The young person viewing it all can not grasp that these are snippets of the best times of these peoples lives not every day. So they think they are a failure/boring/ugly/poor/no friends and get depressed. It actually makes sense if you think about it and how young peoples brains work.

Not even real snippets, my friend. Many of those "snippets" are just staged events. People trying their best to fake like they're doing something big/crazy/meaningful because they have been conditioned (by those platforms) to believe it's what they need to do to be considered successful or important. Sad times.

Saban loves this ****. Just weakens us further. It sucks. What Earl Little is doing is ***** made but people responding to it are making it just worse. Ultimately we gotta win, we win and kids will take notice and we will get our share. It’s always been about winning.
You are right and wrong at the same time. If we win they definitely would come, but we have a top 3 DB coach in the nation so there is a very good reason for him to stick up for his alma mater since his son plays DB.
Lol so Manny scared of losing recruits to UCF and Wake Forest lmao… Somebody wake me up when this staff finds Quan Lee’s no star replacement 😴
Kid broke his word. You are talking to a girl than she goes on a date with another dude you are going to get mad too. The strong will drop that’s girl like a sack of bricks but I know plenty that will just let it go.
I agree but don’t tell the coaches that you are shutting down your recruitment and then show up at another school two weeks later. That’s just disrespectful. The least he could have done was tell the coaches that he wants to enjoy the process but is solid. He did not.
You are right and wrong at the same time. If we win they definitely would come, but we have a top 3 DB coach in the nation so there is a very good reason for him to stick up for his alma mater since his son plays DB.
Sure, I don’t dispute that but that’s not what he is doing and what’s done is done. Plus it’s definitely not worth it over a kid that is flirting with UCF of all places. Us reacting here is destructive and pointless.
I’ll throw my useless 2 cents in. It’s Lee that tweeted and blasted his commitment and that he had shut it down. Nothing would be happening of he didn’t say he had shut it down.

We talk about parents trusting their kids to live far away and be under the watch of men that want to set an example and hopefully instill leadership principles and qualities that will shape them and provide them with life lessons. But we downplay him breaking his word as “just being a kid and having fun”.

But what the Fck does having fun have to do with keeping your word? How hard is it as a 17 year old to keep a promise to a place that is about to educate you and feed you and try get you to a better place in life and a prosperous future for your family. How is a staff going to trust your desire to grind when no one is watching you if you don’t care about the perception of your integrity? It’s one thing to not gaf what others think about you but have some sense of pride and self worth when it comes to your word.

What X did IMO is exactly what has been missing. It’s obvious how invested the young players have been in recruiting. You come in and break bread with someone and spend time with them and their family all in the hopes of establishing a brotherhood and a culture.

I know Stevenson is on our team now. But the way the “leaders” on our team just let him and others come on campus and hang out in the dorms was all I needed to know that there was no voice or examples followed in that locker room. You’re gonna let some dude act like he’s already on the squad while not committed is just crazy to me.
A dude like Jobe better not even step foot on campus if I’m on the team right now. That is a green ligh on site after he was committed for a while and then not only flipped but bad mouthed the team the fans and almost everything about the program.

I know times are different, but we went from a locker room where dudes would try to beat down an offensive lineman if he didn’t make the time on a 110 to a locker room where our upperclassmen were letting an uncommitted high school kids hang out in our dorms that were crystal balled to and hyping up other programs?

Maybe I’m too old and I don’t grasp today’s youth. But your word is your word regardless if it’s 1775 or 2021 and if social media drama and attention is worth breaking it then either the player or the team need to recalibrate and refocus.
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I get that here , I can watch Mklein smacking slapdicks around. Or has that been banned? If so I apologize.
1 Mod (not Maude) infracted him for it under protest by me and another Maude.

Criminal behavior I say - Slapdîck is ingrained in our culture - and so after said Mod rebuffed our appeals, in response, I revenge infracted a poRster said Mod was praising for some worthless action.
I think Xavier Restrepo needs to mind his fckn business… news flash recruits like to go out of town and visit multiple schools. Shocked 🤡
Lol so Manny scared of losing recruits to UCF and Wake Forest lmao… Somebody wake me up when this staff finds Quan Lee’s no star replacement 😴
naked troll GIF
“I had (a visit to) Wake Forest, but I’m not going anymore,” Ibieta said. “Like coach Diaz and coach Likens said, if you’re committed and you keep visiting, you can stay committed, but that means they’re still looking, too.

This is what Manny is telling kids. so if Quan is looking so are we but hes still committed, unitl we find better. the kid should have fun but you cant go saying you're committed and then post the **** he did i get hes a youngin but he needs to learn what you post means **** in todays world. and everyone is watching all the time. hopefully this is a learning lesson and hes in this class i like what he offers
So wait Quan got intense amount of **** for Ibieta to do the same thing with no uproar? Ok I guess