Quan Lee, '22 WR (deCOMMITS)

Imo this chit has blown WAY outta proportion & now it’s not the time for us to be involved in some social media war either bashing Quan for taking a visit to a G5 school, or all this back & forth w/ an alum of a kid who, regardless of what u feel, is a top 100 prospect in the nation regardless of position.

Social media is monitored by all. I’ve been saying for yrs I’m tired of our kids getting on social media airing chit out. It’s been annoying af for yrs. I understand what X was “trying” to do, but there’s a place & time for everything. All parties r guilty af & it’s no need for this chit to be taken this far.
All parties may be guilty...but as a grown man... ESPECIALLY the son of a prospect, and former UM player... you should NOT get involved

Earl, Sr. needs to calm down

He's acting like a teenager...and parents like these are the types that will voice their opinions publicly when their son doesn't get the playing time early on....

Earl Sr. is just butt hurt due to the following -

- His son is outside the top 5 of our CB recruiting board (Rogers, Fegans, Graves, Singletary, Henderson Twins, Spells - all higher)
- The U (his alma mater) has a real DB coach now who isn't bending over to recruit his son
- Spells also now might be lower on our board, and being treated as a Plan B kid cause we're looking good with our Plan A guys. Again, we're not kissing AH's ***

Lol on him using an underrated Central Florida WRs twitter games to jump in and call out The U (his school). Clown and def Chad Wilson vibes

Where's that quote from Saban. Someone should send that to Earl and tell him he's a hypocrite. Bama would be doing the same exact **** for Quan Lee's games.
To be fair, I think if Little was legitimately interested in us, than he would be higher on our board than a few of those guys.
The U ain’t coming back off no tweets, dog. If that chit was the case, we would’ve been back! Hit that man up on the phone or slide in his DM if u wanna use social media. Or better yet, how bout cut off communication & watch blood commit to a G5 school since no one besides us was recruiting him.
When he visited Central Florida....he went, and used the social media... right?

Oh well
Come on now. Howard was a great Cane. And he has every right to hate *** and Dorito.
He absolutely does have every right to hate them, a great cane I think not. He was a decent to good player at times but he wasn't great, granted he played in a **** system. But he never had elite speed and his 40 time is verified to be 4.65 range so not like I made an outrageous claim
All parties may be guilty...but as a grown man... ESPECIALLY the son of a prospect, and former UM player... you should NOT get involved

Earl, Sr. needs to calm down

He's acting like a teenager...and parents like these are the types that will voice their opinions publicly when their son doesn't get the playing time early on....

Must be more to the story. Either they were shocked by the commit to begin with and weren't ready to accept his offer or they pulled the offer after Lee said he was shutting things down then took a visit? Or maybe his social media posts raised a red flag? ... He wanted to be a Cane. So I wish him luck whatever the reason.
Idk....sounds to me like he WANTED attention. Hope he finds whatever it was he was looking for. Diaz not playing games with these kids anymore. He tells you to go visit and commit if ur sure....so he commits BEFORE visiting and then "shuts it down" only to OV at UCF....then proceeds to lose his spot due to not truly "committing" when he committed.....As The World Turns....lol

If he's been told anything whatsoever then I don't get why he's still publically representing the program 🤷🏾‍♂️

Trying to save face. I think IF he sits tight and chills out he'll wind up in the class. 30% chance he sticks...just don't think he gets it...he'll be the next WR taking kitchen and gas station pics😫
Drama queen or youthful ignorance?
Little bit of both. Either way we don't need it in our WR room. Kid is too much already and he's not even here yet. And, someone posted him telling Rivals that his commitment was still in tact, uhhhh, a kid seeking attention like this kid, do we ACTUALLY THINK he'd tell Rivals, "Miami said I didn't have a spot in the class anymore".....no way he'd do that.
earl needs to stfu. we will see how he takes it if his son commits to Bama, gets his charger, publicly shuts it down and then goes on another visit? dude will buckle like the Wilsons from the pressure of their fans.
Shoooot bruh....if he take another visit Bama will recruit over him and act like it's all good until NSD when they tell him to Grey shirt or get tuh steppin....Bama not playing that, shoot some 5* kids can't even play w/Bama like that....EJ nice but let's keep it a buck here....EarlSr finally got a reason for ppl to.follow him due to his son recruiting fame and he talking out his neck....then gonna try n kick it with Ray/EdReed/Irvin in the luxury box come September...boys not gonna have it, gonna send em to Bama where once his kid leaves they'll act like they never knew him or his son...how quickly Earl done 4got smh
Wow! I’m really shock that Earl Little Sr. would go back and forth with fans like that. Just doesn’t seem like something a grown man would do. Hope he realizes that. He must really have something on chest about Miami. Did he go for job or something?

PS: If Tracey Howard ever have a kid who’s highly ranked, I can definitely see him going in in Miami too. Talked to him a couple of weeks ago... and he isn’t fond of The U at all.
F him...and his overrated *** as well...
(yawn) Am I still in the Quan Lee thread?? Maybe I need to go check out this kids highlights again because with all this fuss going on maybe I missed something. In a class of 18-19 kids a 2nd WR is about as expendable as it gets in my book. I got no issue with moving on from this one.

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