Quan Lee, '22 WR (deCOMMITS)

Love X but no he shouldn't be trashing a commit on social media. Send the kid a DM or just let it go. Now all of sudden we have drama over a commit visiting UCF and an alum putting in his .02 cents. That's the problem with social media, everyone thinks their opinion actually means something but in reality if everyone just shut up, we'd all be better off.
Agree to disagree. If you take that as him trashing him that’s part of the problem here too. He was very clear and direct


If he's top db on Bama board their coaches must be blind or, much more likely, they are flat out lying to the little's and they are believing that ****. Earl is a decent db but he ain't even top 5 in the state let alone tops in the country, which in case they don't understand would be Alabamas db board
Criticizing Miami but scared to talk about alabama doing the same thing.View attachment 148276
Yea but you see the difference between us doing this and Bama us they can **** on us but are too scared and chicken **** to do it to Bama like the cowards they are. Everything they are doing is just making it more and more clear why I wouldn't even want him on my roster
Yea but you see the difference between us doing this and Bama us they can **** on us but are too scared and chicken **** to do it to Bama like the cowards they are. Everything they are doing is just making it more and more clear why I wouldn't even want him on my roster
At this point I think that earl little jr, marvin jones and quan lee sh*t is dead time to move on. What’s crazy is ppl hated on al golden for not recruiting these legacy kids then manny recruits them and they show their @ss.
Got any screenshots of what you talking about ?
tenor (5).gif
Imo this chit has blown WAY outta proportion & now it’s not the time for us to be involved in some social media war either bashing Quan for taking a visit to a G5 school, or all this back & forth w/ an alum of a kid who, regardless of what u feel, is a top 100 prospect in the nation regardless of position.

Social media is monitored by all. I’ve been saying for yrs I’m tired of our kids getting on social media airing chit out. It’s been annoying af for yrs. I understand what X was “trying” to do, but there’s a place & time for everything. All parties r guilty af & it’s no need for this chit to be taken this far.
Imo this chit has blown WAY outta proportion & now it’s not the time for us to be involved in some social media war either bashing Quan for taking a visit to a G5 school, or all this back & forth w/ an alum of a kid who, regardless of what u feel, is a top 100 prospect in the nation regardless of position.

Social media is monitored by all. I’ve been saying for yrs I’m tired of our kids getting on social media airing chit out. It’s been annoying af for yrs. I understand what X was “trying” to do, but there’s a place & time for everything. All parties r guilty af & it’s no need for this chit to be taken this far.
And you right but at the same time do y’all want Miami back or not? Unfortunately we’re in the age of social media but had it existed when Ed Reed and those men were here they 100% would have sent him a tweet or whatever it may be. I’m sure x would address him in person too, it’s the way of the world now. Just my personal opinion.
Agree to disagree. If you take that as him trashing him that’s part of the problem here too. He was very clear and direct
What was he expecting to gain besides some social media clout with a few Miami fans? That's my problem with it. It's not he was going to all of sudden going to change the way the recruiting game goes with one post and it was more of same terrible analogy fans have posted on message boards for years comparing being in a relationship with being committed to a school. It's not like he was posting some groundbreaking stuff anyway. Just let the staff handle the kid.
What was he expecting to gain besides some social media clout with a few Miami fans? That's my problem with it. It's not he was going to all of sudden going to change the way the recruiting game goes with one post and it was more of same terrible analogy fans have posted on message boards for years comparing being in a relationship with being committed to a school. It's not like he was posting some groundbreaking stuff anyway. Just let the staff handle the kid.
I get it man. I do.
Imo this chit has blown WAY outta proportion & now it’s not the time for us to be involved in some social media war either bashing Quan for taking a visit to a G5 school, or all this back & forth w/ an alum of a kid who, regardless of what u feel, is a top 100 prospect in the nation regardless of position.

Social media is monitored by all. I’ve been saying for yrs I’m tired of our kids getting on social media airing chit out. It’s been annoying af for yrs. I understand what X was “trying” to do, but there’s a place & time for everything. All parties r guilty af & it’s no need for this chit to be taken this far.
X should have just said it to his face, our fans should stop being so emotional acting like a high school kid who’s girl went to a party with out him, and Earl Sr should just put Saban’s d!ck in his mouth and shut the fvck up instead of getting involved in high school drama and we would all be ok

But there’s just so many people crying now it’s gotten out of hand.
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what has happend here is so dumb he is a kid just like how we have gotten kids to flip after taking visits here while being committed to other schools and everyone’s happy yet a kid who’s committed takes a boat else where and everyone starts **** talking him even our own players man

The visit is not the problem. The problem is committing, shutting it down and then going on an OV the first chance he gets.
Don't commit, don't shut it down and do all your visits before committing.
What was he expecting to gain besides some social media clout with a few Miami fans? That's my problem with it. It's not he was going to all of sudden going to change the way the recruiting game goes with one post and it was more of same terrible analogy fans have posted on message boards for years comparing being in a relationship with being committed to a school. It's not like he was posting some groundbreaking stuff anyway. Just let the staff handle the kid.
Restrepo didn't mention any names, "el que se pica es porque ají come"
dont know the equivalent in english.
Sooooooo we not gonna talk about a GROWN A$$ MAN dry snitching about the Spells situation??? Like dude, worry about YOUR own child smh. And y'all wondered why Cooney put out that tweet a couple days ago. Man I been said Earl Sr was a lying a$$ clown. Schools have been doing this since FOREVER but now that we finally have the leverage to do it, it's a problem? FVCK EARL! He ain't no Cane to me.
And you right but at the same time do y’all want Miami back or not? Unfortunately we’re in the age of social media but had it existed when Ed Reed and those men were here they 100% would have sent him a tweet or whatever it may be. I’m sure x would address him in person too, it’s the way of the world now. Just my personal opinion.

The U ain’t coming back off no tweets, dog. If that chit was the case, we would’ve been back! Hit that man up on the phone or slide in his DM if u wanna use social media. Or better yet, how bout cut off communication & watch blood commit to a G5 school since no one besides us was recruiting him.