QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

I didnt see the big separation between any of the guys we were amd are still after. They are all good to decent players, yet none were some type of 1st or 2nd round pick. Ward, Howard, Jefferson, Talia. All in the same bracket to me with varying skill sets and played power 5 ball extensively. I expect if either had came they would have elevated with the talent around them and better protection. If dude get the waiver and is in before spring practice. Its all fine to me. I know one thing, whatever happen, JB needs to be worked into the gameplan. I dont want to be shopping in the portal every cycle for QBs unless its a 1st round type guy.
They need a QB soon before the deadline
I am still working on this just like Mario - two are kind of meh and one I need an FDA WAIVER on even though I already have two equal or better ones in house under development I could go with and just add a back up option cheaper.

though I’m hoping to rush FDA approval of this either way by January 24


Not sure myself. Will let someone else more knowledgable answer. If he hasn't no idea why we would not be pursuing at this point...
Fair enough. I'm just saying if we are chasing after Ward still, why not Pratt? You might be able to lure the hometown kid if he hasn't signed with an agent.
I didnt see the big separation between any of the guys we were amd are still after. They are all good to decent players, yet none were some type of 1st or 2nd round pick. Ward, Howard, Jefferson, Talia. All in the same bracket to me with varying skill sets and played power 5 ball extensively. I expect if either had came they would have elevated with the talent around them and better protection. If dude get the waiver and is in before spring practice. Its all fine to me. I know one thing, whatever happen, JB needs to be worked into the gameplan. I dont want to be shopping in the portal every cycle for QBs unless its a 1st round type guy.
Sluka and Harry Potter QB still out there for some reason
Thought Gaby said we were kicking the tires on Poffy.
KJ wasnt ever an option? If this waiver goes thru it'll be taulia but what if that falls thru? Is there any scenario where miami rolls into the season with JB Emory and Judd. That seems like a horrible move in a critical yr 3. How common is it for a starter caliber qb to enter the portal after spring
Anyone who says they would rather have KJ than taulia is talking out of their a ss
It’s sad how many ‘fans’ of the program are trying to will this into existence
It's sad how many fans can't be objective without trying to demonize other fans that are being real.

I'm not trying to "will" anything negative against Miami/Mario. I think it's disingenuous and quite honestly a reflection of your own insecurity and insignificance when you suggest that anybody who's engaged on this board would want or "will" anything other than the very best for Mario/Miami.

Any expectation that Mario is going to upgrade the QB room for next year over this year is not rooted in reality or his history. If you have that expectation, that's great and you can have your reasons. But it can't be "because that's what he's always done".
Confirming senior bowl is not signing an agent and declaring for the draft as i understand it. could be wrong.
Yes for sure. What I am saying is he was already putting himself forward for the draft process before the other two entered the portal.