QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

Wonder why he went ahead and announced for the draft if talks were still ongoing. Isnt the deadline to declare still a couple weeks out? Odd that he would announce that and already start questioning it. Seems like someone in his circle is steering him in the wrong direction. NFL never made sense to me for him this year... Would def love to have him here bc if not, it seems like scramble mode.... do you think if miami misses on Ward they just roll with Emory and JB?
One reason I‘ve heard was to get his name in early to have a spot in the pre draft all star games. Since he’ll need a good performance there to improve stock. Kinda like saving a spot in line. If he does pull out no big deal. Oh and it doesn’t hurt leverage if somebody misses on a portal qb. It’s kinda smart.
I agree but they think they can get it done. As I’ve said “ Mario wants this guy , he was the choice “. No wonders Mario landed Jessica , she had no choice. It was either marriage or his basement

It enrolls in spring semester classes, or else it gets the hose again!

One reason I‘ve heard was to get his name in early to have a spot in the pre draft all star games. Since he’ll need a good performance there to improve stock. Kinda like saving a spot in line. If he does pull out no big deal. If he doesn’t he has his spot. Oh and it doesn’t hurt leverage if somebody misses on a portal qb. It’s kinda smart.
Makes sense. Where do you think his biggest hold up is? Is it all about maximizing the 💰 or is this dude really that torn between what to do? Like what more is there to decide at this point. I'm sure he's heard from the nfl about what his draft position looks like. He's heard from Miami on what his NIL would look like...
This kid is setting himself for a whooooole lot of hate after all the **** he’s put us through if he comes in and doesn’t become Pat Mahomes.The first time he throws a couple INTs or something of the same they will boo his *** back to where his *** comes from.

With him holding Miami hostage he’s set himself up for scrutiny unlike anyone has ever been under here…
Is it really his fault and him holding miami hostage right now? He told Miami no granted it took awhile but everything from this point on isn't on him. I'm sure Mario and miami didn't say rethink you're decision without bumping the bag or some kind of incentive.
Makes sense. Where do you think his biggest hold up is? Is it all about maximizing the 💰 or is this dude really that torn between what to do? Like what more is there to decide at this point. I'm sure he's heard from the nfl about what his draft position looks like. He's heard from Miami on what his NIL would look like...
An extra special “Sucks Tax.”
Is it really his fault and him holding miami hostage right now? He told Miami no granted it took awhile but everything from this point on isn't on him. I'm sure Mario and miami didn't say rethink you're decision without bumping the bag or some kind of incentive.

What do you think it looks like no matter what is going on.If this kid comes he’s going to be under so much scrutiny and probably undue expectations but that what comes with 2M+ and the way this has gone..jmo