QB Francois Decommits from FSU!?!

Yea that's insane. I have heard of and know of coaches that push kids to certain schools, but I've never heard of a situation where a coach blatantly tries to keep other schools from recruiting to or speaking to a kid. That's just completely irresponsible. What if FSU were to drop this kid around signing day? What would his options be then? At the very minimum you as a coach owe it to a recruit to make sure they're aware of all their options.
coaches absolutely do push kids to schools, right or wrong...but the "push" is a lot more light hearted than the word push would suggest. The HC might talk up a school more, might say he trusts the coaches at school A more, that he is a better fit at school A, etc..I've never seen a coach completely undermine a kid the way weinke has done with Francois. The fact he goes this far I have a very hard time believing this is an isolated case. This is what Weinke does and will do if it is a kid that FSU deems a priority.

No doubt. I really wish coaches wold stay out of it altogether, but since I know they won't I don't have much issue with a coach pushing a kid toward a certain school, **** we have and still do benefit from it from a few schools. I know Callahan's dad is trying to still push Cowart to UF. I hate when coaches do it, even when it benefits us, but that's understandable. This situation right here though, that's a whole other level. Taking fan loyalties out of it its just irresponsible as ****. Schools drop kids last minute all the time. For that reason alone you should keep lines of communication open. Particularly if a kid does want to explore other options, which apparently Francois has been wanting to do for a while.

Francois was supposedly told by FSU that he would be the only QB as the Johnson kid was coming as WR, same with Locksley. He wasn't pleased to learn he was in a 3-man QB class but really didn't know his options because of Weinke. It's pathetic and a complete disservice to the kid. Some are saying that Weinke is possibly going to be FSU's QB coach in the next year or two. If that happens, I guess you know the motive. **** what's best for the kid, let me send him to a school that has 2 other QB's in his class. Way to look out for your players Weinke.

ya this was the other part of the story he told his hosts at UF that I alluded to.

Weinke was also helping to push that angle as well.

People are going to have bias, every coach will have a bias, and it is almost impossible to contain it. In a perfect world HS coaches will be 100% impartial and only look out for the kids best interest, but it is just not going to happen. Every college benefits from it in some fashion.

but like everything there is lines, and I think weinke is crossing it in a big way

Pretty gross but not surprising. Feel for the kid if that is all true.

Look at all of the kids going to IMG next year, all will be at FSU.
Yea that's insane. I have heard of and know of coaches that push kids to certain schools, but I've never heard of a situation where a coach blatantly tries to keep other schools from recruiting to or speaking to a kid. That's just completely irresponsible. What if FSU were to drop this kid around signing day? What would his options be then? At the very minimum you as a coach owe it to a recruit to make sure they're aware of all their options.
coaches absolutely do push kids to schools, right or wrong...but the "push" is a lot more light hearted than the word push would suggest. The HC might talk up a school more, might say he trusts the coaches at school A more, that he is a better fit at school A, etc..I've never seen a coach completely undermine a kid the way weinke has done with Francois. The fact he goes this far I have a very hard time believing this is an isolated case. This is what Weinke does and will do if it is a kid that FSU deems a priority.

No doubt. I really wish coaches wold stay out of it altogether, but since I know they won't I don't have much issue with a coach pushing a kid toward a certain school, **** we have and still do benefit from it from a few schools. I know Callahan's dad is trying to still push Cowart to UF. I hate when coaches do it, even when it benefits us, but that's understandable. This situation right here though, that's a whole other level. Taking fan loyalties out of it its just irresponsible as ****. Schools drop kids last minute all the time. For that reason alone you should keep lines of communication open. Particularly if a kid does want to explore other options, which apparently Francois has been wanting to do for a while.

Francois was supposedly told by FSU that he would be the only QB as the Johnson kid was coming as WR, same with Locksley. He wasn't pleased to learn he was in a 3-man QB class but really didn't know his options because of Weinke. It's pathetic and a complete disservice to the kid. Some are saying that Weinke is possibly going to be FSU's QB coach in the next year or two. If that happens, I guess you know the motive. **** what's best for the kid, let me send him to a school that has 2 other QB's in his class. Way to look out for your players Weinke.

I don't know about the rest of the story but the highlighted line is untrue, Francois knew that FSU was taking 2 QBs this cycle and that Johnson was coming to FSU as a QB prior to him committing and they were going back and forth on twitter, even Kai Locksley committed B4 Francois, Francois was aware of both their commitments B4 he made his.

Yea that's insane. I have heard of and know of coaches that push kids to certain schools, but I've never heard of a situation where a coach blatantly tries to keep other schools from recruiting to or speaking to a kid. That's just completely irresponsible. What if FSU were to drop this kid around signing day? What would his options be then? At the very minimum you as a coach owe it to a recruit to make sure they're aware of all their options.
coaches absolutely do push kids to schools, right or wrong...but the "push" is a lot more light hearted than the word push would suggest. The HC might talk up a school more, might say he trusts the coaches at school A more, that he is a better fit at school A, etc..I've never seen a coach completely undermine a kid the way weinke has done with Francois. The fact he goes this far I have a very hard time believing this is an isolated case. This is what Weinke does and will do if it is a kid that FSU deems a priority.

No doubt. I really wish coaches wold stay out of it altogether, but since I know they won't I don't have much issue with a coach pushing a kid toward a certain school, **** we have and still do benefit from it from a few schools. I know Callahan's dad is trying to still push Cowart to UF. I hate when coaches do it, even when it benefits us, but that's understandable. This situation right here though, that's a whole other level. Taking fan loyalties out of it its just irresponsible as ****. Schools drop kids last minute all the time. For that reason alone you should keep lines of communication open. Particularly if a kid does want to explore other options, which apparently Francois has been wanting to do for a while.

Francois was supposedly told by FSU that he would be the only QB as the Johnson kid was coming as WR, same with Locksley. He wasn't pleased to learn he was in a 3-man QB class but really didn't know his options because of Weinke. It's pathetic and a complete disservice to the kid. Some are saying that Weinke is possibly going to be FSU's QB coach in the next year or two. If that happens, I guess you know the motive. **** what's best for the kid, let me send him to a school that has 2 other QB's in his class. Way to look out for your players Weinke.

I don't know about the rest of the story but the highlighted line is untrue, Francois knew that FSU was taking 2 QBs this cycle and that Johnson was coming to FSU as a QB prior to him committing and they were going back and forth on twitter, even Kai Locksley committed B4 Francois, Francois was aware of both their commitments B4 he made his.


You aren't disproving what I'm saying. He went there with those two committed because he was told Locksley was being brought in as a WR and that Johnson was likely going to be switching as well due to his height. The timing of his commit bares that our even more. Why else would he commit there after both those guys were already on board if he was told they were taking 2 QB's. He would have been the third right? So wouldn't that make him the odd man out? Think about it.
It's funny that the decommitment tweet sounded like it was typed by an 18 year old dimwit, and the "my account was hacked" tweet read like it was written by a 50 year old hot dog headed lawyer. I was waiting to read "henceforth" in that fake follow up tweet.
Yea that's insane. I have heard of and know of coaches that push kids to certain schools, but I've never heard of a situation where a coach blatantly tries to keep other schools from recruiting to or speaking to a kid. That's just completely irresponsible. What if FSU were to drop this kid around signing day? What would his options be then? At the very minimum you as a coach owe it to a recruit to make sure they're aware of all their options.
coaches absolutely do push kids to schools, right or wrong...but the "push" is a lot more light hearted than the word push would suggest. The HC might talk up a school more, might say he trusts the coaches at school A more, that he is a better fit at school A, etc..I've never seen a coach completely undermine a kid the way weinke has done with Francois. The fact he goes this far I have a very hard time believing this is an isolated case. This is what Weinke does and will do if it is a kid that FSU deems a priority.

No doubt. I really wish coaches wold stay out of it altogether, but since I know they won't I don't have much issue with a coach pushing a kid toward a certain school, **** we have and still do benefit from it from a few schools. I know Callahan's dad is trying to still push Cowart to UF. I hate when coaches do it, even when it benefits us, but that's understandable. This situation right here though, that's a whole other level. Taking fan loyalties out of it its just irresponsible as ****. Schools drop kids last minute all the time. For that reason alone you should keep lines of communication open. Particularly if a kid does want to explore other options, which apparently Francois has been wanting to do for a while.

Francois was supposedly told by FSU that he would be the only QB as the Johnson kid was coming as WR, same with Locksley. He wasn't pleased to learn he was in a 3-man QB class but really didn't know his options because of Weinke. It's pathetic and a complete disservice to the kid. Some are saying that Weinke is possibly going to be FSU's QB coach in the next year or two. If that happens, I guess you know the motive. **** what's best for the kid, let me send him to a school that has 2 other QB's in his class. Way to look out for your players Weinke.

I don't know about the rest of the story but the highlighted line is untrue, Francois knew that FSU was taking 2 QBs this cycle and that Johnson was coming to FSU as a QB prior to him committing and they were going back and forth on twitter, even Kai Locksley committed B4 Francois, Francois was aware of both their commitments B4 he made his.


You aren't disproving what I'm saying. He went there with those two committed because he was told Locksley was being brought in as a WR and that Johnson was likely going to be switching as well due to his height. The timing of his commit bares that our even more. Why else would he commit there after both those guys were already on board if he was told they were taking 2 QB's. He would have been the third right? So wouldn't that make him the odd man out? Think about it.

You are correct Locksley is a ath likely to be switched to a different but Johnson has been said to be switching and in the article Francois said he knew he had to compete with Johnson for the QB position if he went to FSU.
According to MFarrel, Weinke doesn't 'push' kids to FSU like everyone thinks he does, and that Francois definitely wasn't hacked.
:zcZKQmRItjDsoaq.jpg University of Florida State.........Uh, will you hold the rope?
Weinkes IMG to fsu train is about to be shady for the next few years. Messed up part about it is that I don't know if anything will be done. See Armwood to UF pipeline.
about? it already started. lots of stuff just with Francois, stuff that francois didn't even know was going on and ****ed him off when he found out. He started looking around and took the uf visit even though fsu staff asked to not make the visit.

Francois was supposedly told by FSU that he would be the only QB as the Johnson kid was coming as WR, same with Locksley. He wasn't pleased to learn he was in a 3-man QB class but really didn't know his options because of Weinke. It's pathetic and a complete disservice to the kid. Some are saying that Weinke is possibly going to be FSU's QB coach in the next year or two. If that happens, I guess you know the motive. **** what's best for the kid, let me send him to a school that has 2 other QB's in his class. Way to look out for your players Weinke.

that's pretty hard to believe