QB decision

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If Ward goes to FSU there won’t be an announcement from Ward. Points to Howard. If you miss on Ward and he goes to FSU that’s a double kick in the nuts. Ward makes Miami a contender for the playoff.

I just don't see this thing happening with Ward. He's visiting FSU Thurday thru Saturday.and says he may take a 3rd visit.

If you wait on Ward, you could lose out on Howard and wind up with your 3rd or 4th option.
people/circumstances are different. I understand you're preaching poise and agree 100%, but the two situations aren't comparable.

Waiting for Cohen might not have had the same consequences as waiting for Ward.

There's no panic in sticking with the pre-visit plan of taking the first commitment from either tier 1 QB.
This implies that anyone involved was "waiting" in either situation. When Cohen gave that quote to Gaby he was already committed, and the staff knew so. There was no actual "waiting" aside from amongst the public, who don't matter. I'd be surprised if that's not the situation here, regardless of which QB we're moving forward with.
I just don't see this thing happening with Ward. He's visiting FSU Thurday thru Saturday.and says he may take a 3rd visit.

If you wait on Ward, you could lose out on Howard and wind up with your 3rd or 4th option.
I was under the impression the visits are 24 hours that and they have DJ U there for a visit starting Friday.
A decision being made and us knowing about it are two different things, whether it’s Howard or Ward. D$ said it might not get announced today. Either would be a major upgrade
Occam's razor doesn't say what it think you says in this case because you're ignoring information that doesn't agree with your conclusion and giving absolute, 100% uncritical weight to one single piece of information. FWIW - I've observed @Cribby being correct far more often than I've observed recruits telling the truth to the press about their recruitment.

And "if someone tells you who they are, believe them" just doesn't apply here because you're not a stakeholder in the decision making process. If the kid told Mario or his parents or someone actually involved, then sure. But like me, you're external to what's actually happening, and so you need to view his statements with a more critical eye than you are. Remember, we're the product here - if he does commit here he'll presumably want to monetize his commitment, both initially and long-term. One way to do that is to create suspense behind it.

Yes, so have I. But Cribby never said we were getting Cam Ward. People are putting words in his mouth.

I also never said that I know what's going to happen with Cam Ward and Miami, I just said that it's more reasonable to believe Ward's own words vs some brand new insider (the josh poster, not cribby) who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a booster. They don't call this "insider season" for nothing, and I don't trust someone who has no track record.

Let's hope you're right and Ward commits in the next day or two. Would be great for this program.
Whoever has the most years of eligibility….if both are your top options - make it simple. And I believe that’s Ward iirc
Animated GIF

We're going to be good either way.
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