QB decision

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You all will just 100% believe whatever allows you to freak out the most.

No, they're believing the words coming out of Ward's own mouth, which is what they SHOULD believe. That's worth more than message board gossip.

It is what it is. I guess Miami has a decision to make. Me personally, I would keep pushing for this one.

I guess I'm the outlier, but I would wait. If you know Ward is the QB you want, then don't settle on account of 2 weeks when there are no games being played now. You have to roll the dice and keep fighting, not give up just because it didn't go down on your exact timetable. IMO.
Bc this year kinda is Mario’s season to win if he doesn’t it’s over can’t sell progress anymore. U take Howard and roll bc if u miss waiting for ward ur ****ed
what a stupid response....if the ref doesn't call the fake fumble then the game is over
Stupid response? Easy man. Do we get screwed more than anyone by refs? So why give them the opportunity? It was galatically stupid to run a play. If that is somehow lost on you then you’re past help.
Every coach and I mean every coach calls victory formation takes off his headset and walks across field to shake opposing coaches hand.
Not ours. Not our head coach. Not our OC. Lastly our QB surely didn’t have the stones to say I’m not handing this ball off. So when you say our staff I’m sure knows more than we do….I would say you would assume so but it’s not a given.

You may disagree with my response. No problem. But it’s not stupid.

I didn’t watch another play this year after that grade school gaffe. That being said I will try and focus on the positive and us hopefully getting Ward or Howard.
spy lol GIF by IFC

well ****. @DMoney @Cribby @joshvalencia1996 please tell me we are not waiting 2 weeks for a **** decision
Based on everything we’ve heard from insiders, I’m not worried. Either it’s Ward and he’s building suspense for his announcement (maybe making a video or something) or the choice was Howard
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