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Yes, I know. I will get banned because the Stalin mods cant let me call out their precious fan fiction author.
Call him or for what? The man has been way more right than wrong. Just because one situation doesn't do your way you act like some and got in your ****** and you turn and act like a ***** and attack the man?

Man, drink bleach and totally **** yourself

Call him or for what? The man has been way more right than wrong. Just because one situation doesn't do your way you act like some and got in your ****** and you turn and act like a ***** and attack the man?

Man, drink bleach and totally **** yourself
I disagree. simple as that.
You bring nothing of substance and wanna tear down one of the only people who brings us news. Cribby has been right about almost everything since Mario came on and going back even before that. Your dissenting view is trash.
It’s not news. It was BS. How dumb are you all?

Hows Cormani btw?
Plot twist

SolidCane is cribby’s burner, creating a villain to increase his own admiration

How I Met Your Mother Sitcom GIF by Laff
I do not support bans for opposing views. Let that man feel his feels 🤣. Season over we gotta keep the lights on somehow.
Maybe he's being an ***....maybe the response is proving his point...maybe it also proves there are way more people that support Cribby than don't...Banning him would further prove his point...

Maybe there is a lesson here...
Yes, he relayed BS info. Ward told players he was coming but not the staff and that somehow means we got our QB? Lol

Either Cribby is Chefcane or he has a weak source around the program and was dumb enough to report what he did.

BTW, how low is the collective IQ of the cribby cheerleaders? Lol
Speaking of dumb, have fun being banned
I love the smell of violence in the morning. Buddy going 1 vs all of CIS rn 🤣.
I kinda respect it ngl 😂

So what if Cribby and/or D$ was wrong, they can own it. They’re both grown men. Cribby in particular has been substantially more right than wrong over a large sample size. We all know this, no need to jump to his aid. He’s got multiple and diverse connects and for me at least, I appreciate all info.

Anyone getting emotional over it just needs to pipe down, and anyone getting rattled on his behalf at someone negatively commenting on him…kinda funny to observe.

All this and Ward hasn’t even announced a decision yet lol. This fanbase needs a QB or we’re going to cannibalize each other
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