Prepare yourself...

If we strike out on all the mentioned top names considering us, I'm fine with it. The class is great as is. Golden is a good coach. The program will be right in a few more years.

We're behind on every single one of those kids, except MAYBE Northrup, whose dream school has always been FSU so you decide there.

The kids who really want to be Canes... are Canes already. Take a look at our class, and do a cartwheel. If we pull even one more kid, and include Northrup in that, I will be thrilled. That said, its awesome to see the staff being relentless to the very last day, going up against the very best of the SEC to try to steal a kid. Recruiting is a lot like hitting home runs. You strike out a lot, but if you get a blast every 15 at bats your in the HOF.

Even if we lose Northrup, this staff deserves a standing ovation. Coming off 6-6 and with probation looming... to do what they did? One of the great collective recruiting jobs any staff has done in years.


Excellent post
While I'm prepared to go o-fer, I still believe the hard work of the staff will pay off with one surprise. (Hard work pays off.....always has, always will...) And anyone of the 4 (Hamilton, Young, Howard, JHC) would be just fine with me.
We're behind on every single one of those kids, except MAYBE Northrup, whose dream school has always been FSU so you decide there.

The kids who really want to be Canes... are Canes already. Take a look at our class, and do a cartwheel. If we pull even one more kid, and include Northrup in that, I will be thrilled. That said, its awesome to see the staff being relentless to the very last day, going up against the very best of the SEC to try to steal a kid. Recruiting is a lot like hitting home runs. You strike out a lot, but if you get a blast every 15 at bats your in the HOF.

Even if we lose Northrup, this staff deserves a standing ovation. Coming off 6-6 and with probation looming... to do what they did? One of the great collective recruiting jobs any staff has done in years.


Excellent post

Thanks. I think that if we were currently "leading" for Duke, McCord, and Bush, and "landed" them on LOI day people would be happier than having them in the fold already. The perception out there is really askew. Look at the class list. We're crushing it.
Keep Northrup and give me one of Young, Howard, JHC and Hamilton and Im ecstatic.

Swags is right though.
... for no Northrup, Howard, Hamilton, Harvey-Clemons, or Young.

I have no inside info, but signing days sure are a lot easier to enjoy when you go in with extremely low expectations... and it's not invalid just because we no longer have Shannon, the odds are still against us on these guys.

Just sayin', been watching signing days since mid 90s and there are a lot more misses than hits... the two years that were the exception (Coker's big year and Shannon's 08 class) were arguably the most destructive signing classes we've had since some of Erickson's.

I've been following recruiting since '04 and that was the only year I can remember that signing day was actually really exciting, because we basically got everyone. Now I just assume what you do. I have a little hint of hope that we might pull somebody, but if we don't I'll expect it.
We're behind on every single one of those kids, except MAYBE Northrup, whose dream school has always been FSU so you decide there.

The kids who really want to be Canes... are Canes already. Take a look at our class, and do a cartwheel. If we pull even one more kid, and include Northrup in that, I will be thrilled. That said, its awesome to see the staff being relentless to the very last day, going up against the very best of the SEC to try to steal a kid. Recruiting is a lot like hitting home runs. You strike out a lot, but if you get a blast every 15 at bats your in the HOF.

Even if we lose Northrup, this staff deserves a standing ovation. Coming off 6-6 and with probation looming... to do what they did? One of the great collective recruiting jobs any staff has done in years.


Excellent post

Thanks. I think that if we were currently "leading" for Duke, McCord, and Bush, and "landed" them on LOI day people would be happier than having them in the fold already. The perception out there is really askew. Look at the class list. We're crushing it.

Indeed we are. Good perspective.