Predictions the rest of the season

I think every game except FSU is sup for grabs, but i'll stick with my 8-4 prediction

UNC - W. I see us bouncing back in a close win, although I think UNC should be favored by around 7
FSU - L. Brutal, we'll lose by 30 at least
VT - W. VT is like us this year - a bad team with a good brand name
@UVA - L. On the road in the cold. Team will be riding high after beating VT. We lose to a team we should beat.
Duke - W

I really hope this happens because if we have a shot at a BCS game, I think it will force the NCAA to move quicker with sanctions. I just want that over with

W/L UNC 41-38 or 38-41 (This is a tossup for me)
L FSU 28-38
W/L VT 41-38 or 38-41 (We will either beat VT or beat UNC)
W @Virginia 41-27
W South Florida 35-27
W @Duke 56-38

We finish 8-4, 6-2 and likely win the Coastal if we beat UNC, but likely lose it to UNC on a tiebreaker if we lose to them.

Don't expect too much, just 2 more win and another bowl ban.
We can go 9-3 or 8-4, my only concern is that the law of averages will catch up, and we'll lose some close shootouts, like we won them against NCSU and GT.
UNC/VT are our season, and both of them are absolute toss-ups IMO. I slightly like us to win against VT and slightly like us to lose against NC.

Agree one hundo percent. I think we get the win against UNC though, but no matter what we have to get a win badly off of them two teams.
I see loses for the next 3 games. You can't keep giving up half a thousand yards in offense and expect to win. UNC, F$U and VT are all better than anyone we have played so far.
I see loses for the next 3 games. You can't keep giving up half a thousand yards in offense and expect to win. UNC, F$U and VT are all better than anyone we have played so far.

VT, with losses to Cincy and Pitt, who lost to Youngstown State in a rout, is better than #4 Kansas State? #6 Notre Dame? Even an NC State team that beat #4 FSU? Come on. UNC isn't better than either of those, and it's debatable if they are better than NC State.
I can see us losing the next 3,

but how can you make such a statement:

UNC, F$U and VT are all better than anyone we have played so far.

They are not close to KSU or ND - both in the top 10 - maybe you could argue that FSU is in the same ballpark - KSU won at OU, FSU lost at NC ST who UM beat
both KSU and ND have not lost either
do you really think VT or UNC could beat KST or ND? much less stay in the game with them right now
FSU has the talent it appears but the loss to NC ST really makes me wonder how good they are as a team
Just win two more. I dont care which two, though FSU and/or VT would be nice, so we can sacrifice the ****ty bowl we would get to the NCAA overlords. Thats where I'm at for the rest of the year. Anything over six is gravy.

If we win the Coastal, do we take the bowl ban and miss the ACC ship game?

I think we go ahead and rematch FSU in the ACCCG and sacrifice the bowl game to put more certainty on the "time served" with the NCAA. The bowl ban will likely help with any recruits still worried about sanctions that may affect them.
remember our losses were to two top 10 teams on the road not to mediocre teams...only team w top 10 talent left on our schedule is FSU and thats at home during homecoming...i could see us losing one more or losing all of em but looking at how weve performed in the ACC i can see us finishing w maybe 1 more loss depending on FSU begins their free fall or not
We will lose to FSU and either VT or UNC. I would prefer to lose to UNC than VT so we can win the coastal. As crazy as it sounds and as sad as it is, I'm worried about the Duke game. They have a really good offense and our defense is pretty **** crappy right now. That game will be a shootout and it will come down to turnovers. The rest of our games are definitley toss up games and can go either way. The other thing that worries me is fatigue for our young players. Fatigue should be somewhat mitigated because we rotate so many guys in but it will still be a concern, especially for our defense.
The ACC sucks so bad that all games are winnable. But, with this team all games are lose-able. I will split the difference. 3-3 down the stretch for a 7-5 record.
10-2/9-3. FSU game is 50/50, IMO.

And this isn't pure optimism or homerism. Being 10-2 this year does not make us "back." The ACC as a whole just sucks, and we are a reasonably well coached team with a decent offense. The defense will suck all year, but the offense will make up for it, every single remaining game. If we manage to win the ACC, and play a real top 10 team in a BCS bowl, we will get killed.

Next year I think we go 10-2/11-1 and it will be for real this time. I predicted 10-2 early this year because I figured out of KSU, ND, FSU and VT only two would be real teams and we would win the games where the lack of experience/talent at certain positions would not be enough to cancel out our total talent advantage over mid-level teams. KSU and ND are for real for real, both top 10 teams that would kill a team like us, they have talent, experience, and depth at every position while we, for the most part, only have elite level talent at most positions that is too inexperienced to play to their elite levels.
I think we have officially been exposed....I think what you will see teams do is run the ball on us like ND. NC State did it, and then would shoot themselves in the foot with an INT/Fumble....I think some teams weren't committed to it, but from now on you will see teams line up and run it down our throats and be much more conservative.

Outside of Duke, who will just throw it for 500yds, we won't stop anyone that just runs it down our throats. I think we will be lucky to go 6-6. I think a hard reality is going to set in. I certainly hope we do well, I just have zero faith that we will see another team punt the rest of the year.
I think we have officially been exposed....I think what you will see teams do is run the ball on us like ND. NC State did it, and then would shoot themselves in the foot with an INT/Fumble....I think some teams weren't committed to it, but from now on you will see teams line up and run it down our throats and be much more conservative.

Outside of Duke, who will just throw it for 500yds, we won't stop anyone that just runs it down our throats. I think we will be lucky to go 6-6. I think a hard reality is going to set in. I certainly hope we do well, I just have zero faith that we will see another team punt the rest of the year.

This team is not physical enough mostly because of so much youth. Next year will be a little better but do not expect a BCS contender.
I can see us losing the next 3,

but how can you make such a statement:

UNC, F$U and VT are all better than anyone we have played so far.

They are not close to KSU or ND - both in the top 10 - maybe you could argue that FSU is in the same ballpark - KSU won at OU, FSU lost at NC ST who UM beat
both KSU and ND have not lost either
do you really think VT or UNC could beat KST or ND? much less stay in the game with them right now
FSU has the talent it appears but the loss to NC ST really makes me wonder how good they are as a team

The team is fine, just need to get the HC to give up being the OC, and let someone else do it, and he needs to concentrate on big picture stuff.
I see loses for the next 3 games. You can't keep giving up half a thousand yards in offense and expect to win. UNC, F$U and VT are all better than anyone we have played so far.

Want to neg. Must not...

If it weren't for VT, you vould have gotten away with 'Better than anyone we've played in conference.' VT is hot trash. Even with this ****** D, we should win that one. UNC is going to be tough, but I wouldn't be shocked to see us pull that one out of the fire.

Sticking with my preseason 8-4. If we get blown to Bolivian this weekend, I'll revise.