Predictions for NSD

Juan, that guy is half brain dead. i just know it from that one post.
i like the recruiting stuff but **** if it isnt' the most blind annoying process when it comes to our fans. When we get really great kids, its expected and we should do it despite 20 years of crap. And then the focus is totally on every single kid you miss. I dont' know if Mario will be great here, but his pulling moss, kelly, and skinner who weren't even looking at us is already a huge win. Whatever we get now is crazy. We gotta cry cause a kid who wouldn't even look at Miami at any point in his recruiting prior to Mario does not come here? "Its a total failure" . Its totally stupid you know.

But Moss, Skinner and Kelly don't count? Taking Skinner from Saban doesn't count.....only the ones you miss. Its either hit on everything or theres an issue already.
Yes only ones u miss. All jokes aside it's the number one player from the state.
Iuli (he's been back and forth today but come tomorrow he follows his heart and picks UM)
Stewart (Steele named DC sways Shemar to stay home)
Plus 1 surprise
Just got the surprise recruit in Citizen! Plus Cooper is in
I feel ill. We hire the “world-class recruiter “ and yet the gators look likely to land a class 20 spots better with G5 Billy in his transition class.……something is wrong. I don’t know what but our “No coaches” staff is getting whipped by the Sunbelt staff In hogtown.

Billy signed one kid today that is a JAG. Whiffed on Perkins and Citizen(to Mario) and looking like he is going to whiff on Mathews also. Still want to spew your BS?
Billy signed one kid today that is a JAG. Whiffed on Perkins and Citizen(to Mario) and looking like he is going to whiff on Mathews also. Still want to spew your BS?
Well Mr. Recruit from Texas, as the dust settles, Mario got a RB that our insiders did not predict. He alone moved us above FSU and UF. That is great. I hope he becomes Frank Gore or Barry Sanders. But, our number one target went elsewhere-probably for a big bag-but his statement was we have no staff. In a year where we could have signed at least 25 and likely 35, we came up short numberwise. Our portal performance is rated 3rd in the state. This creates the risk that we will be thin should injuries happen.

oh and Mario’s transition class is only three spots below Manny’s lame duck class. Just pointing out facts. Now if you want to continue personal attacks enjoy yourself-on block.
i like the recruiting stuff but **** if it isnt' the most blind annoying process when it comes to our fans. When we get really great kids, its expected and we should do it despite 20 years of crap. And then the focus is totally on every single kid you miss. I dont' know if Mario will be great here, but his pulling moss, kelly, and skinner who weren't even looking at us is already a huge win. Whatever we get now is crazy. We gotta cry cause a kid who wouldn't even look at Miami at any point in his recruiting prior to Mario does not come here? "Its a total failure" . Its totally stupid you know.
absolutely. but my man it's pretty fuggin bad with other fan bases too. imagine what it's like to be a gator fan today <<LMAO>>
absolutely. but my man it's pretty fuggin bad with other fan bases too. imagine what it's like to be a gator fan today <<LMAO>>
I get it but man these are what appears to be the beginning of good times. It won’t be all fixed in one year but we on our way