said he has heard too much Alabama today It was all about Miami at the end of last week. Changed todayDavid Lake just switched his crystal ball. Bags were upped. Game over haha
Clear to you
Seeing those Bama 1st rd picks might’ve helped change his mind too
.lol. He knew Bama was pumping out NFL guys well before this weekend, and he still was going to pick us.
Bama fans have been literally bragging that "discussions" over the weekend changed his mind. They don't even try to hide it anymore
s not juice its the bags dude like cmon its not about doninating....this gets me angry everytime i read a fan post this. He knew bama was good a week ago and sent kids to the nfl for years under savan. He didnt just wake up and figure that out......bags were dropped period our bags aint like theres. It sucks because we identify the same kids they do and them getting theres fuqs our rise to dominance because we compete for the same players. So everytime they take from us it keeps us at bay to become dominant. There recruiting seems to dorectly inpact oursThought for sure we had that locked up but Bama has the juice. Until we can dominate again, they're going to use their recent championships and development to sway these kids.
Too many people here are still Coker-Shannon-Goldenized. Mark BSD Richt has won multiple battles with Bama over the past two cycles, and there are several kids committed that Bama would take in a heartbeat. Harris may choose another school. But I won't count out Richt and Simpson here. As far as 1st rounders, Joe Jax and Willis say hello.
Too many people here are still Coker-Shannon-Goldenized. Mark BSD Richt has won multiple battles with Bama over the past two cycles, and there are several kids committed that Bama would take in a heartbeat. Harris may choose another school. But I won't count out Richt and Simpson here. As far as 1st rounders, Joe Jax and Willis say hello.
Too many people here are still Coker-Shannon-Goldenized. Mark BSD Richt has won multiple battles with Bama over the past two cycles, and there are several kids committed that Bama would take in a heartbeat. Harris may choose another school. But I won't count out Richt and Simpson here. As far as 1st rounders, Joe Jax and Willis say hello.