Practice 4

Great, more "we don't have TE depth so we're screwed" posts. Who was Clemson's backup TE last year behind Leggett? Who backed up OJ Howard? Does FSU even have a TE? Ohio State had 28 receptions from their TE combined last year. USC's TE had 17 receptions. They all survived and won a lot of games.

Great, more "we don't have TE depth so we're screwed" posts. Who was Clemson's backup TE last year behind Leggett? Who backed up OJ Howard? Does FSU even have a TE? Ohio State had 28 receptions from their TE combined last year. USC's TE had 17 receptions. They all survived and won a lot of games.

We need the top 4 Mackey Award vote getters to win the Coastal.
Great, more "we don't have TE depth so we're screwed" posts. Who was Clemson's backup TE last year behind Leggett? Who backed up OJ Howard? Does FSU even have a TE? Ohio State had 28 receptions from their TE combined last year. USC's TE had 17 receptions. They all survived and won a lot of games.

We need the top 4 Mackey Award vote getters to win the Coastal.

Wrong. We need 7 NFL quality DT's to even hang in the Coastal race.
Pinckney needs to be shredded and look super hot naked, or he can't play football. It's that simple. More Calvin Klein underwear models!

Also, players routinely cut during the season as the toll of games and practices add up. He probably focused on getting bigger and would then cut during the season with the natural progression. If he doesn't lose a step who cares.
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Pinckney needs to lay off the fried chicken. He looks ridiculous b.

people just have different body types, doesn't necessarily mean he isn't in shape.

Typical fat boy answer.

Naw, that's what uknowwhat said last week when someone tried to insinuate Pinckney wasn't working hard

Way to deflect, Broke. It's clear as day you're one cheeseburger away from having a coronary.

As much as I hate to agree with Broke, Uknowhat did say that in a thread last week.
Pinkney is fine.

Callem "steel marshmellows". Dude shows up on Saturdays. Not worried about him one bit.


Pinckney should lather his belly with ghost pepper extract so after he crushes AKers he can glide over his face and make his eyes hurt worse than Oberyn Martell's.
Boy would it be nice to have those two stud TEs coming this year as opposed to next

Felt like they put all their eggs in McKitty's basket and had no viable backup plan, similar to RB with McFarland.

McFarland duped them. McKitty I feel is only one they thought was good enough. Hopefully we hold onto the 2 studs each at RB and TE for upcoming cycle to build back our depth.
I think he looks good.. compared to Eddie Lacy.


got**** I thought that was wilfork. some people should never have access to unlimited funds and food
Crazy someone can be this big but run a 11.1 in the 100m. Dj Johnson is a freak athlete
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The cool thing about DJ Johnson and Garvin playing together is they can be lined up on opposite ends of the LOS and still easily high five each other.

We legitimately recruited freakshows. Even garbage time will be exciting to watch.

Can't. *******. Wait.