Practice #11?

Interesting note, thanks. But part of me says that was a freshman developing under Richt’s poor QB coaching and bad offense. I’m pretty confident Enos can clean that up. I don’t remember any fumbles from Nkosi in the spring scrimmages.

No doubt these QBs are getting far better coaching this year than last year. Whichever QB starts, I am confident the 2019 versions of Tate, Perry, and Williams are each better than the 2018 versions.
Guys, reporters only have access to the part of practice where Jarren thrives in. If he was as good as the reporters make it seem then he obviously would've already been declared the starter. He's not for a reason.

Would hate for the season to go underway with Jarren not as the starter and half the people on here *****ing how the best QB's not out on the field. The coaches know what they're doing...
Just bcuz they haven't publicly named a starter does not mean that they don't know who the starter is
Two 5 yards passes = first down. This is acceptable as long as the completion rate > 67%.

Better than last year's 2 yd run, 1 yd run, incomplete, punt.
Tate had the best performance in the Spring Game and with what little info that's leaked out of the past scrimmage, we know that Tate led the offense to a game winning FG against the one's.
Tate has only had like 5 good days total since he's stepped foot on campus... think about that 😂
That was a pretty good tandem. Ihink Willie Smith and Alfredo Roberts also had a year or two together
Scratch that. We had Greg Olsen and Kevin Everett on the field together. People just don't remember that because those were frustrating years overall.
You don’t know ****! How accurate a QB is reported during the first 30 minutes of 1 on 1 or 7 on 7 means nothing! All that matters is who can move the chains and get us to the red zone with a chance to score during 11v11, scrimmage and the game. And by all reports during those times Tate so far has been the man to move chains and protect the football. So unless your a coach on the team undercover on here then gtfoh.
I just don't understand how some of y'all think he's going to become more accurate with pressure in his face? So inaccurate without defense but accurate with defense... I guess that makes since
UFlop troll...... :zczkqmritjdsoaq.jpg:
Tate nut ryder...... 😂😂😂
I just don't understand how some of y'all think he's going to become more accurate with pressure in his face?

1v1 always goes to the best passer. Being a QB is so much more than being a passer. You have to read a defense, know where all your WR’s are, be able to improvise, and make a play. N’Kosi is more accurate than Tate but is turnover city in a game. Jarren is a better passer but apparently struggles under pressure.

Great College QB’s make plays and they aren’t always pure passers. That’s why few develop into good NFL QBs
1v1 always goes to the best passer. Being a QB is so much more than being a passer. You have to read a defense, know where all your WR’s are, be able to improvise, and make a play. N’Kosi is more accurate than Tate but is turnover city in a game. Jarren is a better passer but apparently struggles under pressure.

Great College QB’s make plays and they aren’t always pure passers. That’s why few develop into good NFL QBs
Again... if Tate can't hit open WR's without any pressure how's he going to do it with pressure???
I think we had an accurate QB in Tate until Enos fked with his mechanics. The guy didn’t become a high profile QB by sailing passes and throwing them in the dirt. Sometimes you have to ignore the mechanics and just look at the results. Marino never would have been Marino under Enos. I love the guy’s offensive philosophy but not a fan of what he has done to Martel. To Martel’s credit though, he has been doing his best to adapt.