Poster or fans

I agree that the boards have become a bit difficult to read with the repetitive threads on the same freaking topic. But fans will be fans, and after some of these recent losses/ defensive performances (or lack thereof), people will feed the need to vent. However, there is a sticky thread up at the top of the page that asks everyone to direct their free-for-all grandstanding threads to the Wez. I have really enjoyed this place the past couple years, and hope it continues strong for some time. Mod's, we need your help on this one.

Agreed. It is the multiple threads about the same subject and turning unrelated threads into bashing that causes problems on the board and escalates already aggravating subjects. Fans will be fans and pretty much everyone is unhappy, but keeping the discussion to a few threads would be helpful. The underlying theme has not changed: team is not where it needs to be.
IMO those that support Al Golden on this site like some ******* and act like he is w/o blame for anything are less of a Cane fan than those that call it like it really is and say he should be fired or at the least be held accountable for being such a garbage head coach.
IMO those that support Al Golden on this site like some ****es and act like he is w/o blame for anything are less of a Cane fan than those that call it like it really is and say he should be fired or at the least be held accountable for being such a garbage head coach.

Thanks for helping us with an exact example of the thread topic.
IMO those that support Al Golden on this site like some ****es and act like he is w/o blame for anything are less of a Cane fan than those that call it like it really is and say he should be fired or at the least be held accountable for being such a garbage head coach.

Thanks for helping us with an exact example of the thread topic.

This. And comical as this is the exact same behavior many the Randy slurpers exhibited in the face of much of the same mounting evidence of incompetence.

It's apparent that the internet fan base seems to be consistently divided between 1) people quick to turn on everyone when THEIR expectations don't get met; 2) people who are cheerleaders who become fans of staff/players personally rather than fans of the betterment of the program; 3) a group of people who are simply fair weather trolls popping up only when things don't go well to spew their asinine misery.

If there is a middle ground, they don't post much because in today's instant analysis/opinion/gratification world hasn't the time for anything that's middle of the road or involving the use of common sense. They're shouted down from parties in the other groups.