PODCAST: Recruiting Potluck w/ Stefan Ft. Michael Johnson Jr. and South Dade coach Rudy Trevino

I haven’t listened but the conversation between the viewers and Stefan in here is amazing. Great that people are giving him constructive feedback. Stefan, awesome on you for being engaged with the advise.

I didn’t post much back when Ariz was here or when he started this site but often times it seemed he held himself above the site users and not on a similar level as fans of the Canes. Like he was too good to have a normal convo in the comments unless he was talking down or against someone.

Easy to give me a thumbs down. How bout adding substance by validating Stephan’s support of merrrero of simultaneously writing for the gators. Like how he gets a coach to validate it...a coach who can’t say anything negative about the lizard school because he may have to funnel kids to that crappy program. I’d like to hear D$ defend it since he vouched for Our new site leader. D$ says and explains why it’s fine for our canes team to write for the gators and I’ll shut my mouth.
In the big picture, it's totally irreverent within the context of THIS podcast. Quit picking fly **** out of the pepper.

Haha I actually agree with you on this, luckily it was only 5 minutes of 45. I stand behind the analysis but you’re right, it’s almost as much about delivery as the content.

Part of the issue was it took me literal hours to get and edit the interviews because I was having problems with the mic, so I was trying to get the opener all in one take and be done with it. I actually had mainly bullet points, but they were probably too detailed. It does sound better when you go off the top and like you said, you can edit it later if needed.

“Think of the monologue as a conversation with the listener.”

I like this. Gonna keep that in mind for next time. Appreciate the feedback

The interviews were much more entertaining. You do a great job with that.

Your analysis and content may have been fantastic. I don't know because you didn't hold my attention to keep my mind from drifting back to all the minutiae of my daily life.

I'm glad you liked the thought of looking at it as a conversation with the listener. When I listen to D$ on a podcast, I feel like we're best bros sitting in comfy leather chairs in an upper floor Brickell apartment with bay views sitting across a coffee table covered in blow from each other and sipping on Beluga over rocks just talking Canes.

You be you and do it in a way that is comfortable for you, but my advice is to try to recreate that "sports fans hanging out talking sports" vibe while you fill us in on the latest haps with the Canes. It doesn't mean you can't still be professional, but draw me in and help me feel like we know each other and I'm talking Canes instead of listening to a lecture on the role of blonde hair in the economic disparity of 16th century Belgium.

Appreciate your work and appreciate you taking the feedback. You're only going to get better with every rep.
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That Ladson news is awesome to hear too I now want him on the team more than ever due to how much he studies film that’s a big deal at that age ..... The Nkosi comment is awesome as well .... We all knew he was the real deal though
Nkosi been the god
Don’t hate him, don’t know him personally... just don’t respect him as a Cane fan...I do hate the gators though as a program and institution. Your entitled to your opinion, in loving him even though he writes for both. I believe I’m entitled to mine that’s its sacrilege. I’m pretty surprised D$ is fine with it, but trust that is accurate. given the confidentiality/trust given to your staff by Richt...hope marrero isn’t given access to closed practices etc. I won’t say anymore, appreciate you discussing our differing opinions
Use your noodle, friend. If D$ wasn’t down with Traitorrero working for the gator, then Traitorrero would no longer be with CIS.
For his first podcast, Idk why yall are complaining so much. I think the questions were good tbh. I'm not seeing whats wrong with asking if he thought about committing. Obviously you gotta ask questions that aren't going to get the interviewee to answer with the truth rather than BS, but I thought it was fine.

Obviously he sounded a little nervous/robotic with maybe a little too much emphasis on certain stuff early on in the intro, but it was the first podcast and he got some good guest.
I personally like getting information from sources who aren't tied to one school as I think leads to more honest assessments. It's nice to have the D$s of the world who are connected and beat the Canes drum full time, but it is also nice to balance that with someone like Erick who may be able to keep a more even keel when reporting on a recruit.

There is a difference between "even keel" and sending rival emojis and peppering your twitter in all gaytor crap.
Great job and the quality of the site has gone up greatly since you came aboard.The quality of all your work had been outstanding.Keep up the good work and if you see gatorerro out walking do us all a favor and run him over..
IMO i like the tough questions for the croots. previous recruit interviews were pretty vanilla and even if they don't answer questions like "is miami your leader" you can learn a lot about their reactions to the questions. Keep up the good work @Stefan Adams
Good start, the more Stephen Adams does this the more comfortable he get, just like anything else in life. Gotta keep sharpening the tools and evolving. As someone who does podcasts, it aint easy, there's more to it than just talking into a mic

The one thing that really stood out was the praise Coach Trevino gave Thomas Brown. Said he was ''special at what he does''. That really spoke volumes, coaches(regardless of level) know coaches....
Glad you got Johnson on. We never did hear where he was going to visit next.

I like the question about him committing. I think you just need to let him answer the question.

These take time to get experience. Triveno Q&A was good.
Ole Miss just got a commitment from 2019 QB Grant Tisdale. Not that I ever really though they were in it for MJ Jr, but they're out of it for sure imo.