Pitt vs The U

For a top 20 team is funny that our fans seem to think most of our players suck.
here we go again with picking on the fellow fans rather than the refs or players making dumb plays
(also inaccurate... just a couple seem to be accused of sucking a lot, like walker... others get mostly compliments and attaboys, if u paid attention)
Dude chill out I said L was a better coach than Knight - obviously I don’t want L putting hands on people and I have no idea why you would bring that argument… that has literally nothing to do with working refs.

But we also live in reality. And that reality is that L gets a consistently bad whistle.

And you’re objectively wrong - working the refs absolutely influences calls because they are people.
How did it work out for Haith? How did it work out for dozens of other coaches? As I said before, one could argue that a lot of refs eventually learn to tune out the guys that take it too far. Even a guy like John Thompson, who would blow up at refs, started to tamp it down, saving the big moments as when he would kick it up a notch. Let's be honest, K "Worked" the refs, but in reality didn't have to because once Duke got rolling, he would get calls because they are Duke, even when it was obvious that Duke was getting away with murder.

L has done it his way for DECADES and it's worked well for him. If L was coaching at UNC or Duke, he would get more whistles, because honestly, refs make calls based on programs and history more often than not. Lute Olson once remarked that once he got Arizona rolling, he magically started getting calls that he sure as heck didn't get at Iowa.
Inday called Coach L, but WONG answered.... was it a wong number?
(sorry, its time out and im nervous)
Defensive stops will win the game. Offensively, Miami has to find a way to finish at the rim, those looks have been there all night.