Pitching Rotation

I heard that teams were worried about the velo drop, especially last spring. He went from throwing high 90's at PG nationals to low 90's in a pretty quick fashion which spooked teams

So much of a kids draft stock is a combination of his recent outings and his asking price.

The worst thing that can happen to a kid who already needs to learn to pitch is to see velo drop in a large way. Laz already had reliever risk and a kid asking for seven figures on the basis of his arm strength all of a sudden becomes a high follow when that arm strength goes away.
Personally I think DeRias ends up taking over midweek innings. Mikey Fernandez looks to be a big factor in the bullpen. All the others will get innings here or there in the pen, and if I was to take a guess as to who jumps up it would be Ciscar
DeRias has a long long way to go before he takes over the midweek games. We would go 2-12 with him right now as the midweek guy. His velo and stuff is there, just no control at the moment
DeRias has a long long way to go before he takes over the midweek games. We would go 2-12 with him right now as the midweek guy. His velo and stuff is there, just no control at the moment
Yeah I’m saying like way down the line here. It’s what I’m hoping will happen cause he has legit stuff
Seriois question,

Would any of th3se kids play their spot in the rotation for a top 10 team? Like would our Friday night be able to be the Friday night at a top 10 team? Sunday pitcher be the Sunday pitcher at an elite team?
Unfortunately You know the answer to that

Hire the pitching coach though!
How about this....would any of these three starters been a starter on last years team? Probably not!
I'm hoping that Walters can go 15-16 outs so our bullpen has a chance to salvage a win on Sunday's.
We can't have a situation like last year and we lose the game in the 3rd inning on Sunday.
Who ever the midweek starter is next week, get them into the game for an inning on Friday or Saturday.