Pete, your silence is deafening on the AH kids...

When Pete's right, he's the big man on the board. When Pete's wrong, he's a ghost.

Some accountability would be nice.

He has come out and said he was wrong when he was...

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FWIW Pete brings the goods. He's definitely made a name for himself and that's awesome.

Still recruiting though, and it's more ****ed up than ever. No one can possibly be right all the time. If you only want concrete news you pretty much have to wait for signing day.

Yall act like Petes the one recruiting these guys or responsible for them coming here or not.

Now If he reported that Herbert and Slaton were going to come here its because a reliable source said it. Now he's making these predictions off what a member of the staff is telling him, So if he says they are coming, that is what the coaching staff thinks. If they don't end up coming here clearly the staff was just wrong. I'm not sure how that is Pete's fault exactly. Maybe its his fault for getting our hopes up by reporting what he was told, and at the time true? It's the same thing with Harley. He was likely told by the staff to expect him to flip within a few weeks.
He hasn't been wrong on too many things the past couple years and He's been the first to report a lot of information. Think yall need to just appreciate that this is free infromation and 99% of the time great information.

The Petes of the $EC also act as a bagmen. We need to demand more of our boy. I want inside info from him AND for him to be making up for any recruiting deficiencies let's say a Coach Rumph might have.
Welcome to recruiting, it's not for the weak hearted.

Been following it 20+ years...Thanks. see the weak hearted comments in every thread on the recruiting board. I am assuming AK_Cane saw it another thread and thought it would be cool to start using it. You can't seem to ask a question around without being labeled "weak hearted". "Welcome to recruiting" says the guy who joined the site 8 months ago.
I was on the radio a couple times this week saying that things aren't looking good with them.

Just got back from from out of town and haven't been navigating the boards as frequently the last week.
Yall realize theres still a very bad after taste in the SFL kids from the (3) previous staph. Its double edge sword....gotta win to bring the kids but need the kids to win. This aint gona happen overnight so don't get your panties in a wad
I was on the radio a couple times this week saying that things aren't looking good with them.

Just got back from from out of town and haven't been navigating the boards as frequently the last week.

So this class is a failure in your eyes, correct?
I have to believe that we get lucky with one of these receivers on NSD given our opportunities. If we don't and we lose the linemen and all else stays the same then you have to call it a fail. At that point Richt needs to hire a proven, dominant recruiter from another program at any price.
Pete does as good a job as anyone. He has to rely on his sources. If his sources were in the know on Slaton they would have known that Slaton wants to play DT and that Miami was losing traction with him because of that. Pete's info on a croot can be right on and then the croot changes his mind making Pete's info look bad when it was 100% accurate at the time.
I'll take what Pete says over Cam Underwood or Steve Feinberg ANY day of the week. The guy does a lot of work for a fanbase that at times is incredibly ungrateful.
Get off Pete's dcik

This is recruiting cupcake.

Things are going to change many times before signing day.

I was on the radio a couple times this week saying that things aren't looking good with them.

Just got back from from out of town and haven't been navigating the boards as frequently the last week.

Pete what happened with them? From feeling good and looking like Miami leans to totally trending towards UF. All during the dead period, seems odd
Not landing the two AH linemen isn´t a recuiting failure per se. But turning down a kid in your back yard (K. Telfort) who is begging for an offer to come back, because you´re hoping for the AH OLs is a recruiting failure.
Pete question regarding this and similar situations. Miami seemed to get burned each cycle by other programs telling kids what they want to hear, in this case Slaton can play DL, and Edwards wanting to play CB. Most of the time the players go back to their natural position without repercussions. In each of these situations it seems to be a win/win as we need OL/DL and S/CB so why not tell them they can give it a shot and see how it works out? Is there a short or long term downside for Miami that other programs do not experience?

Also, anyone thinking Skeeter is new to recruiting has definitely not been around the UM boards for a long time. I think the dude goes back to Grassy and if I recall correctly was always a good poster back in the day. Legit question, Pete gave a legit answer to what I am sure a lot were wondering.
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I was on the radio a couple times this week saying that things aren't looking good with them.


Some of the logic here that just because this is a free site that Pete gets a pass for being wrong is so dumb. Pete goes out of his way to say this is a free site and better quality than paying sites which may be true but he can't be a hypocrite and go into hiding when he's wrong and etc but call out them other sites when they are wrong and he's right.

For it me I take it as a grain of salt with whatever is said in recruiting these days.

WTF are you talking about? Dude can do any **** thing he wants, he doesn't owe it to you to say anything at all. I don't understand where this idea came from that Pete somehow owes anyone any information or any explanation when he's wrong. In fact, as has been stated by others, he's not even wrong, his source is wrong. Basically, people have their panties all twisted because they want to be told we're getting everybody and Pete isn't doing it. Now he's supposed to come on here and apologize for not having the info you decided he owes you? **** off.