I want this kid more than anyone left on our board at the skill positions. He has Desean Jackson type ability. Would immediately help us at PR and KR.
Can we pull this stud? I see he is visiting Tennecheat now on the weekend before signing day.
Start a go fund me and drop a ������ if you feel that strong about him
Pete's tail is between his legs right now
There must be 2 pete's,the one we've had who had no modesty and was all swagger and bravado and the one we have now who reminds me of an undefeated boxer who got beat up and knocked out in his last fight and now is afraid to even swing.
No,just one of us.But there is Peter ArizPete's tail is between his legs right now
There must be 2 pete's,the one we've had who had no modesty and was all swagger and bravado and the one we have now who reminds me of an undefeated boxer who got beat up and knocked out in his last fight and now is afraid to even swing.
I have no idea who op is. Not a CS porsterJesus... these Canesport refugees are just brutal...