Pete: Hearing anything on Billy Gibson

Gibson is a perfect fit for this defense more than anything. Yeah, he is limited but what he specializes in is essential for Diaz to run what he wants to run, need to keep him.

Ivins on 247 said taggart is trying to get gibson to oregon.

I may be the only one looking too much into it. But if I'm an Oregon fan, I'm concerned with Taggart's recruiting strategy here. You're not going to get many kids from South Florida to follow you across the country to Eugene, OR. Just because you're at Oregon and you're now at a Power 5 school doesn't mean every single kid's going to follow you now. He should be focusing on making inroads to schools that are in Cali as that will be where the majority of his recruiting base will be.
You know our recruiting game is scuffling when we have to fight and claw to keep a 3 star from down the street that we've been on longer than anyone from going to stank *** USF or across the country to a program circling the drain.

This dude Gibson has had smoke around him for months playing footsies with other programs.

Isn't Power Move Guy from Southridge? If he's got questionable juice with current players at Southridge what makes anyone think he'll have any juice after he leaves there?
Being reported by Cam from State Of The U. Interesting if true. I thought he was an EE? Is this a grades issue? Next target?