2023 Payton Kirkland offered

It’s not Michigan state… it’s Mel Tucker.
I almost went to Michigan State but picked Appalachian State in the end. "Business decision." If I could do it all over again, I would of released a top 12 of my college choices on Twitter.

Per Gaby

-The Top247 offensive lineman is expected to be spending the next couple of days at Miami on an unofficial visit. Miami is one of those five finalists. I’d imagine Florida is sitting in the best spot right now. I’ll try to head to the school to catch up with him after.

Per Gaby

-The Top247 offensive lineman is expected to be spending the next couple of days at Miami on an unofficial visit. Miami is one of those five finalists. I’d imagine Florida is sitting in the best spot right now. I’ll try to head to the school to catch up with him after.

A couple quotes from Canesport article on Kirkland as well, posted this morning:
  • “I just want to get a one on one feeling with the staff,” Kirkland said. “A lot of guys went for the spring game, and it’s a whole bunch of recruits and not being able to get one on one with the staff didn’t make sense.”
  • “To be honest, right now as an offensive lineman Miami shouldn’t have to do much to get you,” Kirkland said. “In all honestly it’s offensive line heaven as of right now. We’re always a priority when it comes down to it (with Mario Cristobal and Alex Mirabal coaching). I really do enjoy that part of it.”
I'd take both of those as positives. Guy wants to spend time and get to know the coaches. He seems to recognize the opportunity in Miami with the type of coaching he'd get.
“A lot of guys went for the spring game, and it’s a whole bunch of recruits and not being able to get one on one with the staff didn’t make sense.”

lol the coaches were literally coaching, there were "a lot" and "a whole bunch" of recruits there. What doesn't make sense about not getting one on one time with staff?
“A lot of guys went for the spring game, and it’s a whole bunch of recruits and not being able to get one on one with the staff didn’t make sense.”

lol the coaches were literally coaching, there were "a lot" and "a whole bunch" of recruits there. What doesn't make sense about not getting one on one time with staff?

Scratched my head at that one too, lol. Every school in America does the same thing but props to him for coming down afterwards & not just being all talk. He will get his 1on1 time today.
“A lot of guys went for the spring game, and it’s a whole bunch of recruits and not being able to get one on one with the staff didn’t make sense.”

lol the coaches were literally coaching, there were "a lot" and "a whole bunch" of recruits there. What doesn't make sense about not getting one on one time with staff?
I don't think he was implying that it didn't make sense that he wouldn't get 1-on-1 time with coaches during the spring game. Obviously. I think he's saying it didn't make sense for him to go for the spring game if his goal was 1-on-1 time with the coaches since they would be too busy and because there were so many other dudes there. I think he really wants to get to know them and knew it wouldn't happen then. I applaud him for that approach if that's the case.
Yep. A trolls gonna troll. " Mario building something special ".........and then immediately slurps sling blade Billy Napier. Strange times.

You should try reading the Gaytor boards. Gaytor fans trying to rationalize this 3-star WR that just committed to the Gaytors by saying that Billy Gaypier is some kind of expert in WRs and WR-whispering.

Meanwhile, the only time he coached WRs in his entire coaching career was for a couple of years at Alabama.

P-Kay needs to look at Cristobal's resume with OLs. Mirabal's too. And then compare it to "WR-whisperer" Billy Gaypier.
“A lot of guys went for the spring game, and it’s a whole bunch of recruits and not being able to get one on one with the staff didn’t make sense.”

lol the coaches were literally coaching, there were "a lot" and "a whole bunch" of recruits there. What doesn't make sense about not getting one on one time with staff?
and entertaining loads of recruits the rest of the time.