Patrick Payton

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From what has been said we are dropping Collins we are just waiting for him to find someone else as a suitor I believe. Similar to Hammett. It was said on here don’t know if it’s true

For him to be open to us “finding room for him” is a great sign that the kid doesn’t feel slighted in any way that we didn’t offer a lot sooner. That was a concern for me. A stud like this who has propelled himself into being a top 150 recruit in the country has the right to have sour feelings with the home team on this one. Hope we land him.
From what has been said we are dropping Collins we are just waiting for him to find someone else as a suitor I believe. Similar to Hammett. It was said on here don’t know if it’s true

Miami dropped Burns without him having a landing spot.

Looking at DE numbers next year, this should be a easy decision.

Take him, drop Collins, 2 Corners, and then best available for the last spot.
Rivals has a short story on Payton this morning. Says he is talking with staff; they are trying to work out the numbers to see if they have a spot for him. Says he would seriously consider it if he gets an offer. Other than Nebraska, FSU is pushing hard for him. It's just those 3 schools. He also said his teammates at MNW are in his ear as is James Williams.

It sounds like he would be on board if he gets a commitable offer
Sounds familiar , where’d i hear this?
Update... Theyvwere supposed to zoom him
back for a conference, that they indicated would be an offer, and the staff didn’t zoom him back. This is a proven FACT
He wants to be a cane but yesterday didn’t sit well with him

Jesus Herbert Christ. He's salty that they rescheduled his zoom meeting? For his sake I hope he never works a desk job when he grows up, because he's going to be in for a real shock if rescheduling virtual meetings upsets him that much.
Hm GIF by moodman
Disappointed with stroud. Last guy I thought would do this

What awful thing did he do- reschedule a phone call? That's really a big deal? What if he had the ****s in the morning and didn't want to Zoom the kid from the toilet? Give me a f#cking break with this drama queen nonsense over a rescheduled virtual chat.
Update... Theyvwere supposed to zoom him
back for a conference, that they indicated would be an offer, and the staff didn’t zoom him back. This is a proven

Did they reschedule or they just changed their mind and are now not going to offer?

Big difference. In the first case the kid is overacting in the second the staff is to blame for toying around
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