The real answers will come in '17.
Searles pick-ups
Donaldson - 4-5* elite kid
Brown - 3years out of HS
Johnson- 2years out of HS
plus another top name kids this year
They better not start the same 5 if they want to land a big time class in '18.
I'm always on-board with the Canes and think Richt can make it happen. He may need to turn-over some of the staff but I'm not sure if this is the year for that to happen.
Per the original quote - win in the trenches
- Biggest improvement by far in 2016 was DL ----- a very very very different team on D and it was bc of the play of the DL
- I did not see that same improvement in OL - felt the same as the past were FAU and FAMU were getting QB pressure
We are headed in the direction - but to be a playoff team OL has to be the priority