Paradise Camp 6/26/21 updates.

On the 22 class you have to include the official visitors too. I am sure it was planned so they could experience a good amount of paradise camp.

Shemar Stewart
Demario Tolan
Jaleel Skinner
Devon Jackson
Jacob Hood
Zane Durant
Daughtry Richardson

Is a pretty strong group.
Exactly! This OV visitors list is BIG TIME. Need to lock in Tolan and Jackson and Hood if possible. Richardson we will have to wait for.

I think its been said, I think this more for the 2023 and 2024 recruits. Anybody who is somebody in 2022 was already here a few weeks ago at the Cookout and his done an UOV and might have done an OV. Lets put the full court press on the 2023 class if you ask me.
LOL.. you can’t develop someone if the talent isn’t there.

Trying to discount the job that Miami did is getting really clownish on this site.

Most top schools, virtually every player comes in with talent, but not everybody develops it. He didn’t maximize his talent until he was at Miami. End of story.

Send in the clowns.

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Dude was the top recruit in the nation, or certainly one of a handful. Think you're underselling the talent (ultra-talented in this case) element. And as previously stated, both parties deserve credit.
Though it seems more likely Phillips could have replicated the feat elsewhere than say developing the Hill kid from VT into a 1st rounder.
If there's something that should be said about Manny's approach over the 2021 & 2022 recruiting cycles its that he seems to have done an in-depth SWOT Analysis on the UM Football program and has really been focusing on the strengths (location, tradition of excellence, NFL Alumni, etc.) during recruiting. I think it ties into what @Ethnicsands talked about in his thread about it feeling different this cycle.

Seeing the coordinated effort among UM football alumni related to the Paradise Camp is super impressive. The turnout of NFL alums this weekend appears that it will be off the charts. We'll see how it plays out but its hard not to like what we're seeing thusfar.
Dude was the top recruit in the nation, or certainly one of a handful. Think you're underselling the talent (ultra-talented in this case) element. And as previously stated, both parties deserve credit.
Though it seems more likely Phillips could have replicated the feat elsewhere than say developing the Hill kid from VT into a 1st rounder.

I’m not underselling anything.

You are underselling Miami’s development of him.

He came in underweight, underdeveloped, and basically depressed with injuries and not knowing if he was ever going to play the game again. Does that sound like a number one to you?

Clowns like you are overly focused on trying to shlt on Miami. It’s exactly what you’re doing and there is no question. Just cut it the fūck out.

You lost this round, go sit in the corner and have your cornerman work on you.

In the meantime, send in the clowns…
