Outclassed and Undisciplined.

Bobby Bowden once said, of one of his games against us, “We thought we could win, Miami knew they would win”. THat about sums it up for me. Not at that level yet.
Who cares what bum Bowden has to say? Let's be real here.
And we have 2 safety’s playing water boy for the 1st half of the Pitt game, even tho the call on Smith was BS.

no we don’t. Only Smith is sitting the first half and he is a striker. All safeties are available. Carter was ejected first half so he doesn’t have to sit
Herbstreit is doing his job, keeping viewers.
We lined up defensively the same on just about every play.
When Baker called a blitz it came from our secondary.
McCloud cost us 14 points, yet he was out there all night.
You just don’t win too many games giving up 42 points.
I can agree on personnel, it's becoming obvious we need to get our young guys in, and we did, saw TAC in there quite a bit ... adjustments aren't just alignments and blitz positions, it's assignments ... but in the end, our adjustments don't matter as much when your outmanned talent wise ... they scored 42pts .... tbh in previous years it would have been worse
Bobby Bowden once said, of one of his games against us, “We thought we could win, Miami knew they would win”. THat about sums it up for me. Not at that level yet.
I believe that was Kirk Carruthers FSU linebacker in the 1991 game, 4th quarter..
Outclassed, out disciplined and out physicaled. Until we get way more physical in the trenches, especially on OL, miami will continue to get pushed around by the elite programs
Carter as Smith we’re both disqualified for targeting so they both are disqualified for the 1st half of the Pitt game.
Correct me if I’m wrong?
What is the over/under in minutes as to how long Carter lasts in the second half?
It’s a merry go round. Hall and/or Carter will get called for targeting every game. You can book it. They have no idea how to tackle properly. Which is shocking because, we have the best coaches and teachers in America.
The difference between class with the teacher everyone fears & respects & the substitute teacher who tries to be everyones friend & then chaos ensues
But the offense did nothing to help the defense. Everyone was worried about the defense but the offense was absolutely trash this game. The 1st quarter alone Clemson ran 22 plays and UM ran 6 plays. We don't have the talent or depth to be on the field the entire 1st quarter and most of the 1st half
But the offense did nothing to help the defense. Everyone was worried about the defense but the offense was absolutely trash this game. The 1st quarter alone Clemson ran 22 plays and UM ran 6 plays. We don't have the talent or depth to be on the field the entire 1st quarter and most of the 1st half
So having the ball for 17 minutes more than you opponent is an advantage?
I don't care that we lost, because Clemson is the better team by a significant margin. It's that we lost in the same old bull**** manner. Undisciplined, guys overpursuing and committing stupid penalties, receivers playing passively, poor gameplans. The Canes lose big games before they ever step on the field.
Outclassed, out disciplined and out physicaled. Until we get way more physical in the trenches, especially on OL, miami will continue to get pushed around by the elite programs

One of the more glaring things that stood out to me was the difference in physicality. Clemson manhandled Miami and took great pride in doing so. It came across, at times, like the varsity whipping the JV.
I don't care that we lost, because Clemson is the better team by a significant margin. It's that we lost in the same old bull**** manner. Undisciplined, guys overpursuing and committing stupid penalties, receivers playing passively, poor gameplans. The Canes lose big games before they ever step on the field.

The WR corps had a look of being intimated out there. People laugh at these statements, but their body language spoke volumes.