Out of all the porsters here.....

Says the expert on transylvanians!! Amerite @JBCanes-NC

That's a blast from the past. I still don't understand why Ferman warned against using that pic . All it was representing was someone boring you to the point of putting you to sleep . @Swaggah64 was the main one getting that posted at him lol
Because you were bullying him
Telling y’all all these hot takes out here on what’s “really” going on with the team has me shook. at this point the whole staff is getting cannned, Manny getting locked up, every blue chip player is transferring and the Rock is cursed. Can’t make heads or tails with all the credible takes lol.
Best just to believe everything you read on here.
Who is actually, truly a reliable source on what is really going on with the team outside of 15 media viewing practices? I though I had a few pegged but would likely to know what the consensus is. I can’t be rolling through 20 page threads like I used to.
I don't know, but make sure that the poster joined around dates where we suffered set backs as a program and says things like we suck, the team sucks, portal coming soon, we will never be good again and so on. These post tend to generate a lot of likes and and approvals, from respected posters even.