Our Son......

The Little Man , Mr. Carter Hucks ! Happy Second Bithday ! ‪#‎cartersrong‬ ! Good luck Our SuperHero ! #teamcarter #carterstrong #cartercourageous
Let's Do This ! Official Celebrating Carter Hucks Day !
Continuing prayers , lots of love , and positive thoughts for Our Little Man Carter , Mom and Dad ! #happysecondbirthday #cartergotthis #carternation
Happy 2nd Birthday Carter! prayers are with you

btw Canes sent him this birthday video, for whoever didnt see it on twitter, SIAP

Happy 2nd Birthday Carter! prayers are with you

btw Canes sent him this birthday video, for whoever didnt see it on twitter, SIAP


That is AWESOME!!!!
My Hero , Mr. Carter Hucks ! You Rock ! Great job , great work ! YOU are Carter-Canes Strong ! Happy Second Birthday ! Happy Renewal Day To You ! I saw you "throw-up the U " ! You are an amazing Cane , my friend ! #ugotthis #carterstrong #teamcarter ! CANES LOVE CARTER !
Very wonderful stuff ! Let the renewal continue ! Continuing healing prayers , love and positive thoughts ! Way to go my hero , Carter Hucks ! #teamcarter ,#ugotthis #carterrocks # <3
Transplant done, and now we wait for his blood counts to rise. Yesterday was Day Zero. The hope is by Day 30, his counts are up enough for them to send us home.

Time will tell. Thanks again for everything ladies and gents. From this point on, check his blog for updates, I'll post based off of request from y'all.
Carter will be ready and roarin' for the bowl game!

Requesting in advance for posts here on CIS.
Go Carter !!! Counts will be going up up and up ! One day at a time ,step by step ! Great things take time ! Prayers , Love and Positive Thoughts ! Mr. Hucks , As much as you would like to post , that's how much that I would love to read ! Have a great day @HucksFamily @teamcarter #caneslovecarter
How's the little man doin? I just got caught up on everything. So happy for Carter and your fam! All the best.