Our Son......

Dhucks...the wife is afine specimen saw you on television this morning..paid more attention to your wife then the story... congrats man and goofd luck with your son

DHucks, thanks again for sharing this experience! Best wishes to Carter and the family going forward! Keep us posted.
GOAT thread. Thanks for updating it. The end got me, that was some awesome stuff. Can't wait to see the Raising Canes video. Keep us posted!
Hucks...just read your gameday update this morning at work. Lost it twice...first during the Duke gameball exchange and 2nd obviously the Taylor jersey. What a priceless pic of your son with that jersey on. That is something you guys will never forget. Thanks.
This really puts everything in perspective.
I can't imagine going through what you are. Stay strong man.
"We" got you.
Cool pic of him in the ST jersey. This thread is the highlight of the season so far.
I am a long-time 'Cane fan (since 1957) and posted on Grassy for many years. This is the best posting I have ever seen, bar none. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family for Carter's successful medical care. Please keep us posted. God bless.
Carter's Raising Canes comes out in the morning. We haven't seen yet, but heard it will cause "eye sweats".
Carter's Raising Canes comes out in the morning. We haven't seen yet, but heard it will cause "eye sweats".

This whole thing has been eye sweaty.

Looking forward to the episode. I usually only watch the Raising Canes during the off season, but I'll watch this one tomorrow for sure with my sons.
Just watched it. Awesome video and really happy your son was able to experience something like that. Carter will be in our prayers.