OT: Who had the highest Vertical of all time in the NBA?

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That's the problem with high verticals, the amount of force being put on the knees coming back down on impact is incredible.....and wears them out.

Zion is a freak athlete but that is a lot of weight on those joints. In the NBA, he's going to need to learn how to preserve his body over long seasons.

He gonna haves to slim way down like LeBron.

High reps over high weight and a blood feud against carbs and sugar.

He should do it now. He won’t lose much power in the paint and the relief on his joints will pay dividends for years.

Here is an interesting article where an expert from P3 Sports Lab and the Pelicans GM dispute Zion needing to lose weight right away.

AT THE END of the 2018-19 regular season, P3 completed a five-year study of 481 NBA players it had evaluated in the hopes of understanding one thing: What are the biggest factors that can lead to serious knee injuries?

After combing through at least 500 variables, officials were surprised to learn that four stood out as driving the majority of risk -- and to learn how different those first three variables were compared to the fourth.

The first three focused on mechanics -- how the foot rotates over the course of a jump; how the femur rotates relative to the shin; and the ability to control landing from a jump using the hips.

The fourth factor, though, could determine the fate for the most exciting NBA prospect in a decade: mass.

What they found had defied conventional wisdom: mass has no independent relationship to risk of injury. Rather, it serves as a multiplier for the other three factors. So when Zion Williamson told ESPN on Dec. 25 that the Pelicans were tweaking how he walks and runs, the aim was to manage the first three variables in order to control for the fourth.

"If Zion's mechanics are clean," Elliott says, "then I'll take him all day with his weight."

Then Griffin shares another story about Williamson -- how the Pelicans engaged in a teamwide heavy weightlifting routine for just one week during the offseason. Williamson gained eight pounds of muscle during that span, a degree of weight gain that shocked staffers.

"He's not normal," Griffin says. "So finding stasis with Zion is the challenge, because he's 19 years old. He's still growing. It's not going to be about a number. It's going to be about metrics of flexibility and strength and control and all of the different things that we can measure that really are outside of weight."
I would say less than 30 NBA players can reach 40 inches standing vert. A lot of top players skip the combine, but according to this article no NBA player has recorded a 40 inch standing vert at the NBA combine. Justin Anderson has the record at 38 inches.

Max vertical (2 steps then jumping) is a different story tho. When entering the league, Shane Larkin had a 44 inch max vertical (2nd highest combine number ever at the time), but a 34.5 standing leap.

These two kids on the Pelicans can fly man

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Highest tester from last year's combine. 35 inches standing, 43 inches max vert (two steps then jump).

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Wilt, the man did things that were just other worldly. IMHO one of the top 5 athletes to ever be recorded on any form of media. A player like Wilt would break today's NBA. I don't say this with malice, I really like and enjoy the NBA...he was simply just on a different level physically.

They changed rules to slow him down. Now the stars of the league get pampered treatment to make sure they put up stats. Vastly different world.
Here is an interesting article where an expert from P3 Sports Lab and the Pelicans GM dispute Zion needing to lose weight right away.

That article loses all credibility saying a guy gained 8 pounds of muscle in 1 week. Laughable and not physically possible unless he was being pumped full of cattle and horse steroids until he eyes turned colors and leaked out the unused juice in-between 10,000 calorie daily meal plans.

I can gain 6 pounds going to a Brazilian steakhouse but it won't be muscle.
He gonna haves to slim way down like LeBron.

High reps over high weight and a blood feud against carbs and sugar.

He should do it now. He won’t lose much power in the paint and the relief on his joints will pay dividends for years.

He'll definitely have to slim down when he's older. For now he's probably ok as long as he stays flexible and doesn't act like he needs to jump through the gym 15 times a night for the entire season. Young guys recover quick....but the wear and tear adds up fast.
We had a guy in HS by the name of Bill Butler that was 6’1-‘2 that had a 47-48 in vertical.Caroll Ciy had a center back then ‘68-‘69 by the name of Adam West ( no not Batman ) that was 7 ft or 7’1.Our HS yearbook had a picture of him out jumping him at the opening tap by 6”.
Key West won he state in ‘68 with him playing center

Went to Vincennes JC back in the day when they were the Top JC.Guy could fly.
They changed rules to slow him down. Now the stars of the league get pampered treatment to make sure they put up stats. Vastly different world.

They changed the rules THREE times to slow down Wilt. The number two sports "argument" in my home is with my son. In his heart of hearts he truly believes that Shaq on his best day takes Wilt on his best day. Take out the 100 pt game, just remove it. He still had more 40 point games in a season that Jordan had in his career.
Don't give me that BS.

6'4"-6'6" 240lb-260lb Defensive Lineman are out-jumping NBA guards that weight 102lbs.

The average vertical in the NBA is 28 inches.
NFL Offensive Linemen are 300+ and jump higher than that.

They're great athletes but they're not as explosive as football players. Their training regimens wouldn't even lead them to being that way.

That is *********. The average is factoring in Centers and power forwards that are close to 7 feet tall. Of course they are going to have very low verticals.
They changed the rules THREE times to slow down Wilt. The number two sports "argument" in my home is with my son. In his heart of hearts he truly believes that Shaq on his best day takes Wilt on his best day. Take out the 100 pt game, just remove it. He still had more 40 point games in a season that Jordan had in his career.
People like to believe the players THEY follow are the best ever. I get that. However, what game is Shaq going to beat Wilt at? Is he going to bully him around with his 300 lb frame? I seriously doubt it. I CAN see Wilt jumping over Shaq, out running Shaq, and being the technician that shuts Shaq down. For God's sake, it took all a YOUNG Kareem could do to keep up with an older Wilt. No one is touching Wilt in his prime.

The only thing interesting about a Shaq versus Wilt matchup would be who the worst FT shooter was. Ironically, Wilt holds the record for most FTs made in a game. When your weakness is FTs, and you still hold the record.... You might be a bad ***.
And probably average 10 assists, I don't think people realize how skilled He was at that size:

Never in my life have I seen a 17 year old close to 7 ft at the time look like this. It's mind boggling. I saw P Ewing 3-4 times in HS pure domination. But this guy is just in another world. Off the charts. Can you imagine Shaq trying to keep up with him for 5 minutes? Or any other center for that matter. I wish I had gotten to see him. Imagine in todays game what he could do with 24 second clock, man to man. Great find thanks for posting!!!!
The basketball players who transition well to football are basically limited to the TE position, because that's the football position that most closely resembles the game of basketball.

If you combine my playing experience with my coaching experience I've either played or coached on 7 different campuses. On every one of those campuses the biggest/strongest/most explosive athlete was always a football player.

Football players don't play basketball because THEY'RE NOT GOOD AT BASKETBALL. Nothing more, nothing less. Has NOTHING to do with them not being athletic enough. Basketball takes a certain level of skill that goes beyond pure athleticism. The hard part of basketball is being THAT tall and still being able to possess that needed level of skill.

If you're a 6'0" basketball player and can dunk you're considered impressive. (cause you're "short")
Meanwhile a 6'0" football player can dunk off of vert with ease. (@ 220lbs, seen it with my own eyes)
Ever watch the old Footlocker Slam Dunk Contests? Barry Sanders jumping from **** near the free throw line at 5'8". Bryan Cox, a big a$$ Linebacker doing 360's and ****. Jim Leonhard is a 5'8" Safety from Wisconsin who dunks with ease. If he was a b-ball player at that height he'd be considered a dunking icon! In the football world he's just another short MF'er who can dunk, one of dozens.

This is a 6'6" 240+ Defensive Lineman who runs a sub 4.5 forty. So much for them having higher verticals just cause they're shorter.
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You also coached down south where they suck at basketball and are good at football, so your anecdotes don't really mean much.

My whole point, which you seem to agree with. Is these guys are the most athletic guys for their height. Of course a 5'8 guy is going to be more athletic than a 7 footer, but you aren't going to find NFL players of similar height being able to do what NBA players do. Otherwise they would be in the NBA making more money.

You could probably find an outlier or two of NFL players that are talented enough to be in the NBA and just didn't know about basketball as kids, or loved football enough to not care about the extra money, but that is not he majority.

Its the same reason the NFL has better athletes than pro volleyball. Elite talent goes towards the highest paying sports.
Peppers wasn't even a starter on UNC and had to walk on. The guy was not even close to athletic enough to have a legit career in the NBA.
Peppers is one of the most athletic defensive ends literally ever. Athletic enough to walk onto UNC, drop 21pts and 10 rebounds in the NCAA tourney, then decide he didn't want to play anymore. If he decided he wanted to focus on basketball, there's little doubt he would have made it, IMO - but that's neither here nor there.
Peppers is one of the most athletic defensive ends literally ever. Athletic enough to walk onto UNC, drop 21pts and 10 rebounds in the NCAA tourney, then decide he didn't want to play anymore. If he decided he wanted to focus on basketball, there's little doubt he would have made it, IMO - but that's neither here nor there.

Exactly, he is one of the most athletic DEs ever and wouldn't be close to the most athletic SF ever. You act as if he just randomly picked up basketball at UNC. He played basketball his entire life and had 1 good game, which happened to be in an NCAAT loss. The guy saw the writing on the wall and realized he wouldn't be an elite NBA player so he stuck to football.