OT: Ole Miss v MSU

They’re holding the pirate tonite.

I noticed Lanes top 5 recruits the last couple classes have been defensive players. Doesn’t that tell us that he’s identified a weakness and is fixing it?
That’s not what I’m concerned about. I’m concerned about him leaving the SEC and not having to worry about these slow, methodical offenses that emphasize ball control. Arky, Bama, and Auburn went 4 wide, played the tempo game, and lit them up
3rd and 19 deep in your own territory with a lead ? I don't think any knowledgeable fan would complain about the call
I would. They’re not up by a ton and you’re facing a time that scored 38 in a half.
I would. They’re not up by a ton and you’re facing a time that scored 38 in a half.

The chances of converting on 3rd and 19 are negligible. Statistically probably in the single digits. Defense has been limiting MSU. They made the right call to keep it on the ground. Picked up 10, punt, make them go further. The way the Ole Miss D is playing, it would not have been smart to pass. If 3rd and 9, sure take a shot. 3rd and 19 with a 2 score lead? Live to fight another day.