NFL OT: NFL (Rumor) Talib Brothers

On top of that, high school coaches have to *** kiss these morons to put together a decent team. Lots of systemic problems in Florida football at every level, youth to pro. Foolishness going on in Florida is spreading to other states

bruh get tf outta here don't start that ****. Why even bring florida football into this?
this is also another reason why no one wants to train to be sports officials any longer. the youth sports scene is a disaster because of parents and coaches.

Facts; my frat brother got out just b/c of this very reason. Bro used to have stories, but it was when he was encountered in the parking lot at his last game where he said enough is enough.
Facts; my frat brother got out just b/c of this very reason. Bro used to have stories, but it was when he was encountered in the parking lot at his last game where he said enough is enough.
I'm about to start year 15 doing HS football. I do very little youth stuff. I still give them a couple of my Saturday mornings doing local little stuff but its ******* ridiculous. Every association is so desperate for bodies but we can't keep any new guys because of little league. None of them last more than a year or 2.
I'm about to start year 15 doing HS football. I do very little youth stuff. I still give them a couple of my Saturday mornings doing local little stuff but its ******* ridiculous. Every association is so desperate for bodies but we can't keep any new guys because of little league. None of them last more than a year or 2.

Sheesh! 2 yr window?? Yeah man, it’s wild.

I will tell u this one WILD story, on a positive, for my frat, & I was there for it. Lol

A bad, and I mean BAAAAAAD stripper nicknamed Treasure from our once upon a time # 1 club in L.A also was the mother of a kid in the same youth league my frat was a ref of. So we at the house playing PS3, & we can hear this fat @&& **** sangin in the shower. Next, we smell helllllllla cologne seeping from his door. This **** don’t even f w/ cologne like that.

Aight, 20-30 mins later, a knock hits the front door & he yell out, “aye, somebody get that.” I open the door & here’s this chick at the door. She says hi & I just point to the back room. Chick was high af, but she goes in the back & my frat smash. Y? B/c he was reffing her son’s next game, & she needed a little “love” for him.

Broad then have the audacity to ask me to walk her out & then she tried to get my #, & I was like mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, nah ma. She literally tried to talk chit about my frat, & fck me for like a month str8. Lol. What a time to be alive; that was the glory yrs of him being a ref. Went downhill thereafter.
Sheesh! 2 yr window?? Yeah man, it’s wild.

I will tell u this one WILD story, on a positive, for my frat, & I was there for it. Lol

A bad, and I mean BAAAAAAD stripper nicknamed Treasure from our once upon a time # 1 club in L.A also was the mother of a kid in the same youth league my frat was a ref of. So we at the house playing PS3, & we can hear this fat @&& **** sangin in the shower. Next, we smell helllllllla cologne seeping from his door. This **** don’t even f w/ cologne like that.

Aight, 20-30 mins later, a knock hits the front door & he yell out, “aye, somebody get that.” I open the door & here’s this chick at the door. She says hi & I just point to the back room. Chick was high af, but she goes in the back & my frat smash. Y? B/c he was reffing her son’s next game, & she needed a little “love” for him.

Broad then have the audacity to ask me to walk her out & then she tried to get my #, & I was like mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, nah ma. She literally tried to talk chit about my frat, & fck me for like a month str8. Lol. What a time to be alive; that was the glory yrs of him being a ref. Went downhill thereafter.
Everyone thinks the players get all the action, but nobody considers the refs.
Everyone thinks the players get all the action, but nobody considers the refs.

Just sayin, my brotha. If I wasn’t there & witnessed it 1st hand, I would’ve thought dude was lying. I mean, this chick was hella bad. Coco brown w/ hazel eyes & had a body that looked like it was surgically put together, but all natural. She was one of the 3 headliners that club had to offer (ironically, my ex was one of the other 3). She smashed just to make sure her baby got all the calls in his favor. Smh.
Man, this is over some unimportant bullshlt that you would normally forget about 5 minutes later. Anybody that’s been involved in youth sports can tell you how some people get at these games. I’ve seen it up close myself.
Man, this is over some unimportant bullshlt that you would normally forget about 5 minutes later.

On the contrary, I don't think it's important enough to some parents, coaches, & administrators of these leagues. This bozo had a rap sheet that included child endangerment, no way in **** would I have let Him coach in my league. When it's not important to you this is what happens.
On the contrary, I don't think it's important enough to some parents, coaches, & administrators of these leagues. This bozo had a rap sheet that included child endangerment, no way in **** would I have let Him coach in my league. When it's not important to you this is what happens.

I see what you’re saying, and you’re right about that aspect.

What I meant was, how some people get at these games, not everybody, but there are always one or two parents that are over involved and start going crazy on a bad call or something they think was a penalty. Some jawing is okay, but from time to time a parent or relative takes it too far then people start getting in their feelings.