listen, i was born the USA and i love the USA
i do not want to ignite panic but it looks like you guys are us 2 weeks a go.
A lot of people are saying : "it's a hoax, it's a normale flu, econonomy comes first". I can tell you what is going to happen step by step.
Coronovirus has no cure and no vaccine. Every vaccine that they are going to find need 1 year of testing. You recover with normal hospital treatments in case of normal symptons, intensive care in case of pneumonia and with time at home in case of mild condition
It has an infection rate of 2,5. Means that an infected person con infect 2 to 3 people
It does affect young people. Patient 1 here in Italy was an ahtlete and is 38 years old. I has been in intensive care for a month and came out of it yesterday and is in sub intensive care unit
10% of the illed at the moment need intensive care. The virus stays a lor with you. Recovery for mild sytnoms is a week, recovery for intesive care bad symptons is from 3 to 6 weeks. This is a huge number of people considering the enormous infection rate the virus has
IF ALL of Europe (France, Spain and Germany are going to be on lockdown byt the end of this week) has decided to close every single shop if nt for medicines, food and essential services there is a **** reason.
China close 60 milion poeple in complete lockdown, closed one of it's industrial sectors for 4 weeks. China! There is a reason
Please guys, it is serious