OT: EA Sports College Football game

I don’t know if anyone else has experienced this, but I’ve been playing video games for 40 years, and just recently I’ve completely lost the urge or desire I used to have to play games. I haven’t even touched a game in 2-3 months which is very strange for me. My PS5 and Xbox Series X have layers of dust buildup right now 😂. I also collect old systems as well(Vectrex, Atari 2600, all Nintendo systems, Saturn, basically every system ever made). The wifey just got me a Colecovision for Christmas which was cool. But yea, once I hit my mid-40’s my playtime gradually got less and less. Has this happened to anyone else?
I don’t play as much as I used to in younger days on console. Ps5 and Xbox just sits there with that “in the arms of an angel” look while I’m on pc when I do play. I’ve accepted that I’m a casual gamer now, if not for my son wanting to play I wouldn’t have had a resurgence of energy/interest. He loves playing spiderman and forza

I don’t know if anyone else has experienced this, but I’ve been playing video games for 40 years, and just recently I’ve completely lost the urge or desire I used to have to play games. I haven’t even touched a game in 2-3 months which is very strange for me. My PS5 and Xbox Series X have layers of dust buildup right now 😂. I also collect old systems as well(Vectrex, Atari 2600, all Nintendo systems, Saturn, basically every system ever made). The wifey just got me a Colecovision for Christmas which was cool. But yea, once I hit my mid-40’s my playtime gradually got less and less. Has this happened to anyone else?
Same. They made them too complicated. Too dense.
I still play NCAA14 from time to time. I do wonder how they’ll do dynasty mode in the new game. From the recruiting aspect - Will there be an actual transfer portal and how will it run? Will NIL be involved at all? I’m assuming no on NIL. Will they be going with the upcoming 12 team playoff? How will conferences look? A lot of unknowns still about this game which is concerning to me.
I don’t know if anyone else has experienced this, but I’ve been playing video games for 40 years, and just recently I’ve completely lost the urge or desire I used to have to play games. I haven’t even touched a game in 2-3 months which is very strange for me. My PS5 and Xbox Series X have layers of dust buildup right now 😂. I also collect old systems as well(Vectrex, Atari 2600, all Nintendo systems, Saturn, basically every system ever made). The wifey just got me a Colecovision for Christmas which was cool. But yea, once I hit my mid-40’s my playtime gradually got less and less. Has this happened to anyone else?
I'm 35 and still have the desire to play but am pretty much exhausted from work and family by the time I get on I last maybe 1 hour 2 hours tops before my eyes start closing. Weekends I try to play some. The days of Donkey Kong, Doom, MK, Blitz are long gone.

Sports games have always been my love specifically NCAA and Madden. I didn't play really any of Bill Walsh College Football too young but my neighbors dad had it on the genesis and I slightly remember him playing it. NCAA Football 98 and 99 dropped but no one I knew had it but when 2000 dropped with Ricky Williams on the cover my buddy Ethan got it for PS and it became a crack addiction! The NCAA developers were top notch dating back to the first issue. From then on out every year it was NCAA and MADDEN every day after school. We had couch co op battles TO THE DEATH I TELL YOU BLOOD WAS SHED! Madden was cool but NCAA was better. NFL2K1 dropped with Marshall Faulk on the cover, the gameplay was so much different than the others, I never thought id play Madden again but that ended quickly.

I'd call them the glory years of my life unfortunately LMAO. The Bucs were winning the Hurricanes were winning videos games were peaking in graphics, life was great! I have held on to pretty much every system that I got albeit I would get the consoles 3-4 years after they released cuz I was broke but I would trade nothing in the world for those days playing couch NCAA/MADDEN co op with my friend's.

I just purchased the Xbox Series X in preparation for this release so my gaming hours are going to increase significantly whether I like it or not. I'm tied down to a group of degenerate gambling gaming junks (friend's) fiending for NCAA Online Dynasty Mode to return since 2014. As long as it's not a carbon copy of the new Maddens I'll be happy but I'm doubtful. If you need a legit serious dynasty to join holla at me.
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I still play NCAA14 from time to time. I do wonder how they’ll do dynasty mode in the new game. From the recruiting aspect - Will there be an actual transfer portal and how will it run? Will NIL be involved at all? I’m assuming no on NIL. Will they be going with the upcoming 12 team playoff? How will conferences look? A lot of unknowns still about this game which is concerning to me.
They’ve already stated the transfer portal and playoffs (not sure about 12 teams yet) will be in the game. No news of NIL though. How they implement it all will make dynasty interesting
Hope EA doesn’t kill this like they killed madden
I have some bad news for you then.

Hopefully it's at least decent but they'll give it the Madden treatment until people stop buying it. So don't expect anything outside the mold.
I read somewhere, maybe Matt Brown, that the one year delay (according to the initial plans it was supposed to be released last summer) was caused by the fact that they wanted to start from scratch without taking Madden engine.

This is false. Almost all of EA's games use the Frostbite engine.

While NCAA will be made from "scratch", it will use the same engine that Madden uses.

The reason why the game was delayed a year is due to the fact that they simply needed more time to work on it.
This is false. Almost all of EA's games use the Frostbite engine.

While NCAA will be made from "scratch", it will use the same engine that Madden uses.

The reason why the game was delayed a year is due to the fact that they simply needed more time to work on it.
They invested too much on Frostbite to build a brand new engine for NCAA. They’re supposed to make some changes to the physics and gameplay mechanics, but the engine is Frostbite.
They’ve already stated the transfer portal and playoffs (not sure about 12 teams yet) will be in the game. No news of NIL though. How they implement it all will make dynasty interesting
Also, I’m curious about “opt-outs” as well. I could foresee that having disastrous unintended consequences. For instance, say you barely squeak into the playoffs as a 12 seed and your Heisman QB opts out. Anyone who has played Madden knows how wonky/jank the A.I. can be at times, I can totally see it doing something epically dumb like this 😂.
Also, I’m curious about “opt-outs” as well. I could foresee that having disastrous unintended consequences. For instance, say you barely squeak into the playoffs as a 12 seed and your Heisman QB opts out. Anyone who has played Madden knows how wonky/jank the A.I. can be at times, I can totally see it doing something epically dumb like this 😂.

Kraze this is bit of realism I hope they leave out. FFS
Also, I’m curious about “opt-outs” as well. I could foresee that having disastrous unintended consequences. For instance, say you barely squeak into the playoffs as a 12 seed and your Heisman QB opts out. Anyone who has played Madden knows how wonky/jank the A.I. can be at times, I can totally see it doing something epically dumb like this 😂.
That would be wild lol
The recruiting part turned into a huge pain in the ***. They have to figure that out, in 2014 that part of the game turned into a giant pain in the ***.

What if I told you there’s a way for it to not be a giant pain in the ***? Some may call it cheating, I call it efficiency. Once you know the trick though, there’s no going back. Let me know if you want the info.