Oregon skates

With their reduction in offical visits, I am sure that will happen to us as well. Fortunately for us, we can just have all of the Sfl kids come on as many unofficials as they want and we can offer the officals to the out of state kids.

It would've been less embarrassing for the NCAA had they not punished Oregon at all. These 'sanctions' has zero effect on anything so the outcome would be the same regardless.
The show-cause shouldn't start until Kelly decides to try to get back into the college ranks.

They hit Kelly (no longer there and irrelevant) with a Show Cause penalty.

$25,000.00 = No Bowl Bans

What gets me is here we have a case of the school's football office actively paying a "recruiting service" to steer players to them but that's not such a big deal. In our case we have a convicted con man and proven liar giving kids dinners and club entrances behind the scenes of his own accord, and the athletic department is being slammed by the NCAA>
I still think the only significant thing we get is some schollies. How many is another question! I'm thinking 9-12 over 3 years.
Hmmmmm.........judging what Oregon got, if the NCAA wants to be consistent, they should pay UM reparations!
Oregon is a **** team to watch on TV so there is no way they would hammer them. Translation = We don't want to jeopardize revenue

Same for the U, maybe not as much as O (given Nike's role) but the U drives major revenue and is one of the more visible programs in the game
Don't know how much to read into the scholarship reductions vs. the amount of money alleged to have changed hands. But by that math, it works out to about $8,000 of monetary benefit per scholarship taken away. Applying that relationship to the $170,000 of alleged benefits in the notice of allegations in our case, that would translate to a worst case of 21 scholarships over three years. Here's to hoping that's not the case and that Shalala and co were able to poke holes in most of Little Nevin's uncorroborated allegations...

Hmmmmm.........judging what Oregon got, if the NCAA wants to be consistent, they should pay UM reparations!
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Terrell Pryor got 5 NFL games for tattoogate didn't he? I would assume Kelly will get some sort of penalty by the NFL
The message is its better to have your head coach arrange for a street agent to buy kids than that have a booster outside of the program give kids gifts once they are already in the program.
There was never a "Oregon Booster Pays For Abortions" headline, therefore the NCAA can bury its head in the sand.

I've been saying it for two years now, we are not dealing with a legitimate court or legal process. We are dealing with a bunch of corrupt ****wads who make the rules up as they go.
Oregon lost the National Championship to a corrupt Auburn team = these sanctions are a make up call by the NCAA.
Honestly, not sure if this is good or bad for Miami. If I had to guess it just depends on how much the NCAA feels Miami can hurt them in court.