***Orange Bowl: Miami v. Wisconsin***

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Horrendous game all around. Defense was swiss cheese. Richt's playcalling was next level bad tonight.

29 rushes against Wisconsin.

20 minutes time of possession.

On what planet do you think you're winning games with that?

That is as bad as any Whipple, Nix, Coley, Jedd Fisch offense.


We now know why Richt is no longer the coach of UGA. Great person. Average coach.

Bingo sir. He will recruit well. Miami is a huge draw for young men too. Richt will run a tight ship. And he will keep the team relevant 3 out of 4 seasons so its not all bad. Its certainly better than what y'all have had. But this is forever MRs MO, he will always win 80% of games but lose 90% of big games.

11 for 26 (42%) 1 td and 3 int. Rosier final game as qb with his final throw being an int. How fitting of him

C'mon, Rosier had a number of dropped balls, coupled with the horrid officiating certainly skews his numbers. When you allow a very good running team to pick apart your secondary all night I don't give a **** who your QB is...your going to have a very long night.

True but our secondary as bad as they played wasn’t the reason our QB three for under 203 3 picks and under 40%. Right from the jump, if that is your QB’s number, chances are you lose. It’s horrible.
Erick soon changed his allegiance
Psalm 149:4

For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory.

Please tell me someone has Richt's bible in their hand with a highlighter; it can't take much more to get through to him.

thomas brown does. Worst follow I’ve ever made on ig
11 for 26 (42%) 1 td and 3 int. Rosier final game as qb with his final throw being an int. How fitting of him

C'mon, Rosier had a number of dropped balls, coupled with the horrid officiating certainly skews his numbers. When you allow a very good running team to pick apart your secondary all night I don't give a **** who your QB is...your going to have a very long night.

Aint no c'mon about it. Dude has thrown less than 50% all year and he didnt have so many drops that his percentage would be closer to 60%.
About this laying an egg(s) over the last 3 games...certainly the Pittsburgh loss was terrible, but to lose to a team who could very well be the National Champion for a second year in a row and another team that could have very well been in the playoff series is hardly laying an egg. Granted, painful, but not laying an egg(s). Miami's coaches did more with less than any other staff in the country. As Richt's recruiting ramps up even further the Canes will be in the playoff hunt numerous times over the coming years.
Another fraudulent season

Or rather a fraudulent interpretation of a season when we were 10-0. We had 2 games where we looked like a very good team. The rest, not so much. We were never the team some people convinced themselves we were. You just can't write off those squeakers against UNC/GT etc.
11 for 26 (42%) 1 td and 3 int. Rosier final game as qb with his final throw being an int. How fitting of him

C'mon, Rosier had a number of dropped balls, coupled with the horrid officiating certainly skews his numbers. When you allow a very good running team to pick apart your secondary all night I don't give a **** who your QB is...your going to have a very long night.

Aint no c'mon about it. Dude has thrown less than 50% all year and he didnt have so many drops that his percentage would be closer to 60%.

Stop it! He also had no running game, which most any competent football observer will tell you makes an aerial game very tough. ****, even AR was dropping passes left and right this season. Two of the three interceptions that got hung on Rosier's stat column tonight bounced off UM receivers hands into the waiting arms of a Badger. I am not a Rosier apologist, but the over the top hate for this kid is misguided and wrong.
11 for 26 (42%) 1 td and 3 int. Rosier final game as qb with his final throw being an int. How fitting of him

C'mon, Rosier had a number of dropped balls, coupled with the horrid officiating certainly skews his numbers. When you allow a very good running team to pick apart your secondary all night I don't give a **** who your QB is...your going to have a very long night.

Aint no c'mon about it. Dude has thrown less than 50% all year and he didnt have so many drops that his percentage would be closer to 60%.

Stop it! He also had no running game, which most any competent football observer will tell you makes an aerial game very tough. ****, even AR was dropping passes left and right this season. Two of the three interceptions that got hung on Rosier's stat column tonight bounced off UM receivers hands into the waiting arms of a Badger. I am not a Rosier apologist, but the over the top hate for this kid is misguided and wrong.

Newsflash boss, we were running the ball down their throat. Once they stacked the box, we still couldnt capitalize on the opportunities in the passing game. Again, drops are apart of the game, but drops don't make you complete under 50%. I don't have a hate for him, just speaking the obvious
11 for 26 (42%) 1 td and 3 int. Rosier final game as qb with his final throw being an int. How fitting of him

C'mon, Rosier had a number of dropped balls, coupled with the horrid officiating certainly skews his numbers. When you allow a very good running team to pick apart your secondary all night I don't give a **** who your QB is...your going to have a very long night.

Aint no c'mon about it. Dude has thrown less than 50% all year and he didnt have so many drops that his percentage would be closer to 60%.

Stop it! He also had no running game, which most any competent football observer will tell you makes an aerial game very tough. ****, even AR was dropping passes left and right this season. Two of the three interceptions that got hung on Rosier's stat column tonight bounced off UM receivers hands into the waiting arms of a Badger. I am not a Rosier apologist, but the over the top hate for this kid is misguided and wrong.

Newsflash boss, we were running the ball down their throat. Once they stacked the box, we still couldnt capitalize on the opportunities in the passing game. Again, drops are apart of the game, but drops don't make you complete under 50%. I don't have a hate for him, just speaking the obvious

Well, I appreciate you recognizing me as your boss, but you truly don't know what you are talking about and are parroting the comments from the herd. Rosier certainly has his deficiencies, yet if you listened to the comments of Brian Griese tonight you heard the man explain how issues that this board constantly lays at Rosier's feet were not his fault. He made some great throws tonight and ran the ball giving his body away and fighting for every yard. He did make one throw on a 3rd down play that looked terrible because he thought the receiver was going to stop on the sideline, but continued on a fly pattern. Also, the throw to Cager that was intercepted came about due to Cager being held, although he should have led Cager further over the middle. All in all, he threw the ball well and deserved better from his receiving corp. Here's a suggestion from your boss...STOP THE HATE!
C'mon, Rosier had a number of dropped balls, coupled with the horrid officiating certainly skews his numbers. When you allow a very good running team to pick apart your secondary all night I don't give a **** who your QB is...your going to have a very long night.

Aint no c'mon about it. Dude has thrown less than 50% all year and he didnt have so many drops that his percentage would be closer to 60%.

Stop it! He also had no running game, which most any competent football observer will tell you makes an aerial game very tough. ****, even AR was dropping passes left and right this season. Two of the three interceptions that got hung on Rosier's stat column tonight bounced off UM receivers hands into the waiting arms of a Badger. I am not a Rosier apologist, but the over the top hate for this kid is misguided and wrong.

Newsflash boss, we were running the ball down their throat. Once they stacked the box, we still couldnt capitalize on the opportunities in the passing game. Again, drops are apart of the game, but drops don't make you complete under 50%. I don't have a hate for him, just speaking the obvious

Well, I appreciate you recognizing me as your boss, but you truly don't know what you are talking about and are parroting the comments from the herd. Rosier certainly has his deficiencies, yet if you listened to the comments of Brian Griese tonight you heard the man explain how issues that this board constantly lays at Rosier's feet were not his fault. He made some great throws tonight and ran the ball giving his body away and fighting for every yard. He did make one throw on a 3rd down play that looked terrible because he thought the receiver was going to stop on the sideline, but continued on a fly pattern. Also, the throw to Cager that was intercepted came about due to Cager being held, although he should have led Cager further over the middle. All in all, he threw the ball well and deserved better from his receiving corp. Here's a suggestion from your boss...STOP THE HATE!

His decision to throw the ball directly at the defensive end wasnt his fault huh? He could have easily tucked it. What about him throwing across his body that nearly resulted in a turnover? Again, you cant justify his bad throws like the interception to cager. You missed the duck across the middle that was nearly picked and the throw to Langham that completely uncatchable. You are literally trying to convince me his wrs are why he is at 42 percent. Every qb deals with drops, they are just more accurate more often than Rosier. He has thrown under 50 percent since the unc game, but its not his fault. Go to sleep
Aint no c'mon about it. Dude has thrown less than 50% all year and he didnt have so many drops that his percentage would be closer to 60%.

Stop it! He also had no running game, which most any competent football observer will tell you makes an aerial game very tough. ****, even AR was dropping passes left and right this season. Two of the three interceptions that got hung on Rosier's stat column tonight bounced off UM receivers hands into the waiting arms of a Badger. I am not a Rosier apologist, but the over the top hate for this kid is misguided and wrong.

Newsflash boss, we were running the ball down their throat. Once they stacked the box, we still couldnt capitalize on the opportunities in the passing game. Again, drops are apart of the game, but drops don't make you complete under 50%. I don't have a hate for him, just speaking the obvious

Well, I appreciate you recognizing me as your boss, but you truly don't know what you are talking about and are parroting the comments from the herd. Rosier certainly has his deficiencies, yet if you listened to the comments of Brian Griese tonight you heard the man explain how issues that this board constantly lays at Rosier's feet were not his fault. He made some great throws tonight and ran the ball giving his body away and fighting for every yard. He did make one throw on a 3rd down play that looked terrible because he thought the receiver was going to stop on the sideline, but continued on a fly pattern. Also, the throw to Cager that was intercepted came about due to Cager being held, although he should have led Cager further over the middle. All in all, he threw the ball well and deserved better from his receiving corp. Here's a suggestion from your boss...STOP THE HATE!

His decision to throw the ball directly at the defensive end wasnt his fault huh? He could have easily tucked it. What about him throwing across his body that nearly resulted in a turnover? Again, you cant justify his bad throws like the interception to cager. You missed the duck across the middle that was nearly picked and the throw to Langham that completely uncatchable. You are literally trying to convince me his wrs are why he is at 42 percent. Every qb deals with drops, they are just more accurate more often than Rosier. He has thrown under 50 percent since the unc game, but its not his fault. Go to sleep

Seriously??????? That defensive end comment proves that you have not one clue as to what you are talking about. Once again, I will attempt to educate you, although I know it will go into that wasteland you call a brain to never be thought about again. The reason that ball was intercepted is because Miami's left offensive tackle was pushed back into the backfield or the passing lane designed for that play, which allowed the defender to grab the ball. Here again, Brian Griese, who is no friend of the Canes, fully explained this during the telecast clearly stating tht interception was not on Rosier, but the offensive lineman. The throw to Langham hit him in the hands and he dropped it. Honestly, are you really this stupid or are you just having fun pulling my chain. And, NEARLY causing a turn over is hung on Rosier, which means he should also get credit for the passes his receivers NEARLY caught...right Lombardi?
Stop it! He also had no running game, which most any competent football observer will tell you makes an aerial game very tough. ****, even AR was dropping passes left and right this season. Two of the three interceptions that got hung on Rosier's stat column tonight bounced off UM receivers hands into the waiting arms of a Badger. I am not a Rosier apologist, but the over the top hate for this kid is misguided and wrong.

Newsflash boss, we were running the ball down their throat. Once they stacked the box, we still couldnt capitalize on the opportunities in the passing game. Again, drops are apart of the game, but drops don't make you complete under 50%. I don't have a hate for him, just speaking the obvious

Well, I appreciate you recognizing me as your boss, but you truly don't know what you are talking about and are parroting the comments from the herd. Rosier certainly has his deficiencies, yet if you listened to the comments of Brian Griese tonight you heard the man explain how issues that this board constantly lays at Rosier's feet were not his fault. He made some great throws tonight and ran the ball giving his body away and fighting for every yard. He did make one throw on a 3rd down play that looked terrible because he thought the receiver was going to stop on the sideline, but continued on a fly pattern. Also, the throw to Cager that was intercepted came about due to Cager being held, although he should have led Cager further over the middle. All in all, he threw the ball well and deserved better from his receiving corp. Here's a suggestion from your boss...STOP THE HATE!

His decision to throw the ball directly at the defensive end wasnt his fault huh? He could have easily tucked it. What about him throwing across his body that nearly resulted in a turnover? Again, you cant justify his bad throws like the interception to cager. You missed the duck across the middle that was nearly picked and the throw to Langham that completely uncatchable. You are literally trying to convince me his wrs are why he is at 42 percent. Every qb deals with drops, they are just more accurate more often than Rosier. He has thrown under 50 percent since the unc game, but its not his fault. Go to sleep

Seriously??????? That defensive end comment proves that you have not one clue as to what you are talking about. Once again, I will attempt to educate you, although I know it will go into that wasteland you call a brain to never be thought about again. The reason that ball was intercepted is because Miami's left offensive tackle was pushed back into the backfield or the passing lane designed for that play, which allowed the defender to grab the ball. Here again, Brian Griese, who is no friend of the Canes, fully explained this during the telecast clearly stating tht interception was not on Rosier, but the offensive lineman. The throw to Langham hit him in the hands and he dropped it. Honestly, are you really this stupid or are you just having fun pulling my chain. And, NEARLY causing a turn over is hung on Rosier, which means he should also get credit for the passes his receivers NEARLY caught...right Lombardi?

Agree to disagree, my phone and canesinsight is not cooperating
These wisky fans getting too friendly here at the Rock.

Huh... You gonna pull a JJax Bro on one of those cheesehead motherfûckers?
My boy and I tried RVACane but they were nice people f@ckers bought us beers inside the Rock. I had nothing after that first Heineken lol. What a bad night though

Yeah, I didn't really want you to pounce on one of them and risk trouble. Bad night is right though. Disappointing 3 game end to season.
These wisky fans getting too friendly here at the Rock.

Huh... You gonna pull a JJax Bro on one of those cheesehead motherfûckers?
My boy and I tried RVACane but they were nice people f@ckers bought us beers inside the Rock. I had nothing after that first Heineken lol. What a bad night though

Yeah, I didn't really want you to pounce on one of them and risk trouble. Bad night is right though. Disappointing 3 game end to season.
Yeah let’s hope the prize fish croots (Campbell and Surtain Jr.) see that we need them and sign with us. As much as I hate the ND fighting Pixie’s I hope they can destroy LSU
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