Onside kick attempt

No, that’s not what happened.

The penalty was off sides which negated the recovery. The review was to see if he caught it out of bounds, b/c if he did, the ball would’ve been ours at the spot the ball went out, & we would’ve declined the off sides penalty which forced USF to re-kick. The video review wasn’t conclusive enough to over turn the recovery, so we accepted the original off side penalty & forced USF to back up 5 & re-kick.
The announcers repeatedly said that had they reversed it, five yards would’ve been tacked on from the spot. Made no sense to me … but who knows?
The announcers repeatedly said that had they reversed it, five yards would’ve been tacked on from the spot. Made no sense to me … but who knows?

If I’m not mistaken, the announcers were initially confused on the instant replay, but then they corrected & said they were reviewing to see if USF caught the ball inbounds or not. After seeing different angles, they couldn’t make a determination if it was caught in bounds or not b/c one angle showed USF was out & one angle showed USF may have been in.

Once the ref came back & said the call stands on the field, they basically said they didn’t have conclusive evidence to justify the call changing from off sides & a re-kick, to an illegal kick out of bounds which would’ve gave us excellent field position.