One tidbit not discussed on the NOA

CaneSport is also being told there will be a couple of surprises implicating current UM athletic personnel when the final charges are revealed. But none of those are believed to involve major violations.

This brings me back to the article that came out from Pee Wee. I think Golden and Barrow will be named from that lunch or dinner meeting. Just my take but obviously won't know and I would bet that is a piece that will not come out if my intuition is correct.

I Think u r a pig troll. Golden said it didn't happen n he committed no violation. I believe him. Your a pig!

Ohh ok Lassy! Surprise means something not expected! So you tell me what you think the surprise is? I didn't say this is a fact I said if there is a surprise my GUESS is it is that article that came out talking about Golden and Barrow at the dinner. Yes I realize it is a secondary violation.

I stand by U R A PIG

Lol, waiting for all the delicate little flowers on here to come down on you... That said, one pig troll was probably enough.
Al Golden was not involved with Pee Wee and the whole Yahoo article about that incident is totally incorrect.
UM gets a draft of the NOA before they send it so there's no way in **** there's a surprise on it lol. They know whats on it.
Miz is no troll. I don't know if he's a pig because I've never seen him, but he's no troll.

Haha thanks Franchise. I am not a troll. im a Die hard Cane. you can see any of my posts on this site and 2 others with the same username (MIZCANE). MiamiMike is obviously butt hurt for no reason. I stated an opinion on a written piece and all of a sudden Im a "pig" I don't even get why the word "pig" was used.

MiamiMike sounds like a roid head punching key strokes with his two index fingers as hard as he can with veins popping out of his head.
I would guess that most of our coaches have committed secondary violations, especially those who were here under Randy. Too many text messages, saying hello to a recruit at the wrong time after one of their games, etc. no big deal.
From Barry Jackson this morning

### The NCAA delayed (for a day or two) scheduled Monday calls to former UM coaches and staffers to tell them what they’re charged with. Meanwhile, we confirmed at least five former Canes players ended up talking to the NCAA after the NCAA mailed them an ultimatum to do so.

Attorney Bruce Fleisher said his two clients – whom he wouldn’t identify -- spoke to the NCAA, before an extended Jan. 3 deadline, and they said they received no benefits from Nevin Shapiro. “In order for them to continue going on the UM campus, they had to give statements to the NCAA,” Fleisher said. “None of these guys wanted to be banned from that activity.”

Read more here:

<Insert skating.gif here>

My boys!