"One day we'll switch shoes...."

I’m with Cam on this game, every week he says “we’re 1-0”. I want to be 1-0 after this game. That’s all that counts, 1-0. Deep in my Cane Soul, opening a Can of WhoopA** and S**tWhipping these Cucks would be Sweet. But, as long as we’re 1-0 on Sunday morning, that’s all that counts. Go Canes🙌#CANESNATIONLIFER
We're gonna be 1-0 and my life is going to be 0-1 when I have a heart attack in all these 1 score games.
We're gonna be 1-0 and my life is going to be 0-1 when I have a heart attack in all these 1 score games.

Classic Tv Fred Sanford GIF by Sony Pictures Television
I’m not a psychologist. But I’ve been around people that are ultra competitive. They seem to have one thing in common. They are super super petty.

They find motivation in anything. They take losing extremely personal.

Mario will say the right things but he wants to embarrass these dudes. There’s a reason why the visitor list looks the way it does.
I’m not a psychologist. But I’ve been around people that are ultra competitive. They seem to have one thing in common. They are super super petty.

They find motivation in anything. They take losing extremely personal.

Mario will say the right things but he wants to embarrass these dudes. There’s a reason why the visitor list looks the way it does.
Take It Personally Michael Jordan GIF
Now we know what the beginning did the cinematic recap is gonna be.
I’m not a psychologist. But I’ve been around people that are ultra competitive. They seem to have one thing in common. They are super super petty.

They find motivation in anything. They take losing extremely personal.

Mario will say the right things but he wants to embarrass these dudes. There’s a reason why the visitor list looks the way it does.

I hope so, man. I want Mario to humiliate Norvell. 100-0 wouldn't be enough. They have been so arrogant for so long. Karma is a *****.
It's not

It's a rivalry game FFS. Like is this real life? You REALLY THINK our kids won't be up for FSU?

This your first year watching the series?
I’ve been watching for 30 + years maybe trap game is the wrong word. I’m just jaded from the last few years lol