On Kellen Wiley, Jr….

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It's his and his family's decision when, where, and how to commit to whatever school they choose. Your timeline doesn't factor into other people's major life decisions.

This also happens to be a kid who really blew up during his junior and senior year. UM didn't offer until late in the summer (of 2024). He managed to visit UL (10/4) and Texas (11/9). Instead of being mad this young man hasn't made/announced a decision, you might want to direct that anger at the coaches and staff. Those are the people whose literal job it is to get these young men to commit, and, you know, to figure out how to bring a talent like this on campus for an OV at some point in the last 3 ******* months.

And I don't know if you've heard, but this is how the game is played in 2024. It's legal, it's not going anywhere, and anyone worth having on your team is doing it to some extent. So who are you mad it?
I'm not jumping up to defend the homie, but was it really "his" timeline? ESD has been marked as 12-4 for quite a while. If Kellen isn't planning on being an early enrollee, then he can take all the time he wants. If he is planning on enrolling early, I would lean toward making a decision earlier than not, but that's just me. I'm not even sure homie was angry so much as frustrated, but again I'm not his spokesman. That said, I agree with most of the rest of what you said regarding how it's played these days, the legalities, etc.

I hope we get this kid.

Awesome, thank you. We used to do that on the ESPN boards back in the day until people started giving Heather Dinich grief about her unusually large forehead.
Guilty and shameful admission - I had to google Heather Dinich. I then googled "Heather Dinich forehead" cuz I'm just like that. You were spitting facts:

Its an open/free board, trolls from other teams are all over the place. I wouldn't pay attention to all the noise.

Dont like the last minute stuff but I get wanting to give the attention to recruits that they deserve on their officials. Hopefully it all works out in the end!
lol. I'm not worried about anything anyone says. We good over here. ty tho
This is weak IMO. I get wanting to focus on the next 2 weeks, but it's not like ESD just appeared out of the blue. Can't imagine Nick Saban ever doing this, which tells me Mario can't focus, and more importantly can't trust his assistants and players to focus, on the task at hand.

Early signing day wasn’t this earlier before. It’s also a different era. Teams have 90% of their class committed by now. This isn’t normal timing.

Now add that this season is the most important for the future of our program, specifically these next 2-3 weeks.

In season OVs are happening less and less every year. The staff doesn’t value wasting an OV this weekend. It’s really not that big a deal
Early signing day wasn’t this earlier before. It’s also a different era. Teams have 90% of their class committed by now. This isn’t normal timing.

Now add that this is season is important for the future of our program, specifically these next 2-3 weeks.

In season OVs are happening less and less every year. The staff doesn’t value wasting an OV this weekend. It’s really not that big a deal
it aint

the fact that we agree here should explode the board
“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes”

So the question is, what part of the statement that the school let out is the lie?

If I was giving advice or knew that I could match any offer, I would tell his camp to let NSD pass and allow all offers to be on the table. Given that a scholarship limits have increased, everyone will have room.

Having nsd pass allows counter offers and also doesn’t make him or his family feel like he’s making a rushed decision.

Wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if schools are pressuring him to commit soon.

A lot of you saying clown show right now. Remember when people were losing their minds thinking we dropped the ball when Howard committed to osu, ukulele to Clemson and cam to the nfl.
For all the naysayers..The kids father literally posts on here regularly and has been pretty honest about everything concerning his sons recruitment. If it was BS, I am pretty sure he would have said something even if he made it cryptic. He says they good on his side..so thats all that matters.
This kid, and others who hold out till the last minute for a big pay day, are the main ones who transfer out after a year or two when they don’t get the playing time(or $$) their “camp” thinks they deserve. I’m not mad at anyone, I just prefer to have serious Miami people around the program like Duke and Francis Mauigoa who commit early and stuck with their word…

I wish this kid, and every kid for that matter, the best always but that’s my opinion.
This kid, and others who hold out till the last minute for a big pay day, are the main ones who transfer out after a year or two when they don’t get the playing time(or $$) their “camp” thinks they deserve. I’m not mad at anyone, I just prefer to have serious Miami people around the program like Duke and Francis Mauigoa who commit early and stuck with their word…

I wish this kid, and every kid for that matter, the best always but that’s my opinion.
Brah give it a rest. You're on record with your opinion (as unwelcomed as it may be). Stop spewing your negativity all over the thread. The kid, his pops and the board knows how you feel. And you can save the "I wish the kid well" blah blah blah crap...
Pretty sure it's Syracuse they are worried about. Supposedly game planning starts Sunday and focusing on that.
So what. Makes no difference who it is. I'm supposed to believe the team is going to come out laser focused because recruiting visits were canceled!? We should beat the **** out of wake and Syracuse no matter what. It's a weak *** move with 2 weeks left until signing day.
Brah give it a rest. You're on record with your opinion (as unwelcomed as it may be). Stop spewing your negativity all over the thread. The kid, his pops and the board knows how you feel. Dang...
Ok fair enough. I’ll get off the thread, just wanted to clarify my point. I’m not calling this one particular kid out btw…I’m sure the money is life changing for them and I get and respect that. Good luck to him
This kid, and others who hold out till the last minute for a big pay day, are the main ones who transfer out after a year or two when they don’t get the playing time(or $$) their “camp” thinks they deserve. I’m not mad at anyone, I just prefer to have serious Miami people around the program like Duke and Francis Mauigoa who commit early and stuck with their word…

I wish this kid, and every kid for that matter, the best always but that’s my opinion.

Why do you say "hold out till the last minute for a big pay day". You have no ******* idea whether that is true here.

First, we used to see a TON of official visits in January when 90-95% of the kids signed on the REGULAR February Signing Day. And it made a lot of sense. High school football season was over. Bowl games were over. Most of the "college coach firing" was done, even if there was still some hiring to be done.

Today, we are expecting most kids to sign TWO FULL MONTHS earlier. And expecting them to take visits during their football season. During our post-season preparation. Before coaches have been fired or take newer (better?) jobs elsewhere.

I don't blame these kids for waiting, particularly when ****** programs/coaches like Florida/Napier and F$U/Norvell are being considered. The problem is that it is hard to plan in-season visits if you are still not sure of where to go.

Many of us chose the University of Miami because we loved the school, and not for who was going to be our English 101 professor. But these football players (and their future success) depend heavily on who the coaches are and how the coaches plan to develop and use them.

Take as much time as is necessary to make the right decision. I would love Kellen Wiley Jr. join the Miami family, but it is a huge decision and there are a lot of timeframe and logistical issues involved in trying to take these visits and meet all the coaches who will have a huge impact on the lives of these players.

Having said that, I hope the Wiley family can feel comfortable choosing Miami even if they have to schedule the OV for later. We shall see.
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