OL Nino Francavilla commits to Miami

The Maude’s will spare all of you this continuing 👆 saga just like we had to with others. We’ve received many complaints about this and hoped to avoid this.

I have pleaded with computer programming owner man here to remove the 🖕 like I did the dumb emoji like I would the boring emoji.

Anyone causing a stir this way loses all reactions. Anyone.
It doesn’t bother me personally but I gotta say, that **** is embarrassing behavior

If you’re gonna use the middle finger emoji at least have the guts to back up your stance. If not just shut the **** up

472589 blue chips on campus n we flip Good Will Hunting smfh

Zero stars... Gah dayum. See what happens when y'all complain about all the 3-stars we've been taking?? Lol

Still a better take than Judd tho ✌️🏃🏾‍♂️

There is just no way Judd is the only QB added to this roster before next season…….but then I think how bad Mario’s QB recruiting was at Oregon. He was gifted Justin and did nothing to follow that up .
Mark it down, another reach project who won't play at Miami. Will be an empty scholarship and hit the portal after 2 or 3 seasons and transfer to some small school like the majority of the other fantastic sleeper projects miami has chased over the years
“Oh no our o-line recruits are all 3-stars” next sentence “oh no we really need Zion the 2-star back”
Mario crushed it last cycle. I can live with these developmental takes especially on o-line
What about projects all over the class when the insiders were pumping this class up for months implying there was gna be top level guys all over the place
What about projects all over the class when the insiders were pumping this class up for months implying there was gna be top level guys all over the place
Oooh so the complaining is towards Mario or is it towards the people that told you information? Sounds like more emotions to me than needed
Is this some big out of the box move to get Eddy? He didn't/doesn't want to play center and now we no longer need a center. Please tell me I am right so I can enjoy this move.