Ok, the latest Raising Canes on the BC game...

Best one yet, did anyone else notice the look on the players faces as the clock ran out and they were celebrating, they love the taste of winning... Go Get some more Canes!

He got me fired up and I'm nowhere near that locker room.

More than that you can see and hear the players fired up and understanding their role. One play/brick at a time, make it happen.
Easily the best Raising Canes yet.

Looks like Golden is getting buy in.

Will be fascinated to see how this team handles success this week regardless of win or loss in Manhattan. Will thye keep laying bricks or will they assume the wall has already been built after one conference road win?
I want one of those old school hurricane alarms. Where does one get one of those? I want to wake up the whole neighborhood here in GA.
I cant get enough of these videos! Genius! I dont know how anyone can watch these videos and even come close to thinking we dont have the right guy for the job! I mean he will at least have us in the ten win per season category very soon and keep us up there as long as he is here! It is great to be a miami hurricane!
Loved the look on Flowers.
In hindsight, the 14-0 start was the best thing that could've happened. Especially since we Chicago Canes couldn't watch it, stuck watching end of NUvOrange.
Beat KState!
Was so hyped, I just watched it again.

When Golden is talking about what a different embracing the Freshman has made, it kinda sounds like this wasn't the case last year. That the Seniors didn't go out of their way to help the Freshman and mentor them, and it really hurt the team's development. Just an interesting tidbit if that actually is the case....