That’s what the conclusion I’ve madeMeh I’ve come around, we need someone to block and not get their **** pushed back 10 yards every other play.
It’s not s e x y, but Quality addition at a position that will require frequent and sound execution
Lou Hedley had no issue there loli wouldn’t even feel right hitting the coeds at that point.
The **** you wouldi wouldn’t even feel right hitting the coeds at that point.
he's the same age at stetson bennett and I'm sure stetson has no issue with iti wouldn’t even feel right hitting the coeds at that point.
I’m sure you wouldn’t have to worry about that.i wouldn’t even feel right hitting the coeds at that point.
Cam got his commitment over early where he could be in bed by 8
5 pm on the dot..prolly committed while catchin' the early-bird at Denny'sCam got his commitment over early where he could be in bed by 8
Haven’t you heard about bagging professors?i wouldn’t even feel right hitting the coeds at that point.
U’ve never lied
Original SNL, Benny Hill, Tracy Ullman, Married w/ Children, In Living Color, etc would all be on “Cancel Culture” #1 hit list.
That's fine, there will be others.IMHO If he leaves Miami uncommitted we can all forget about him
Meh I’ve come around, we need someone to block and not get their **** pushed back 10 yards every other play.
It’s not s e x y, but Quality addition at a position that will require frequent and sound execution
Cam got his commitment over early where he could be in bed by 8