Official Apology thread for those who wanted Coach L fired 2 years ago

Mods can we delete this? If does nothing good.

This board was out of its mind with the criticism of L for his momentum being destroyed and program crippled by a wrongful accusation and lengthy fbi investigation.

But also there’s absolutely no benefit to dredging up that garbage right now.

So can you please poof this whole thread?

I had placed him on a "hot seat" but absolutely never officially advocated for him to retire/be forced out and he promptly and thankfully extinguished the flames under his ***.

My pretty longterm sniping at Katie Meier's record in March and the esteem she was held in despite it is why I'm gladly still eating crow leftovers today. It's a gamey bird that you really can't find any way to cook properly but it'll pair nicely with some freshly slaughtered Wildcat.
2 years ago?! Try 2 games ago.. Drake had these clowns calling for his head. Now look, Elite8 and 1 game away from the 1st final 4 in program history Dude is underrated AF