Observations from Sideline (FSU)

I’m gonna get destroyed for this but here it goes.

When sabag got to bama the first workouts a ton of guys puked. Some guys left after a few more. Guys quit at the end of the season etc.

Now sabag is a great gameday coach as well as a defensive mind. So we got that team to 7 wins. Whereas we’ll end up with 4. But I’m thinking similar things (to a degree) will happen here. It’ll just take longer cause Mario isn’t as good a coach and the talent sabag inherited is probably better than what Mario inherited
LOL not going to get engaged in personal attacks....i've been banned for much less.
agree to disagree...this is just a version of "its the players vs it's the coaches"....neither of us win.
I was just trying to get my point across. I certainly didn't intend for it to come across as hostile. Nothing I'm saying absolves the coaches and it doesn't blame the players. It's the dynamics of change. New management can rub existing people the wrong way, whether it's changing the nature of what they do or just chemistry.

At the end of the day, we'll hopefully have a better team next year.
Back in the day I experienced coaching changes constantly that tried everything including running the VEER .
I don’t think many here ever heard of this offense before.
I took every change in stride, I kept dominating my challengers and kept studying the playbook new or old .
Change in coaches were never a problem didn’t care just RAN IT as described.

Basically like Tony Chickillo did even out of position Chick did his job and ended up with the Steelers for 4 years or so barely making NFL pension.
Anyway it’s a players choice embrace it or leave that’s the real world.

I actually hope what the OP says is true. That would explain it all. Just purge the program and rebuild into what we know it should be. Emperor Palpatine that ish. Do what must be done.
I'm surprised you didn't reference Under the Tuscan Sun instead


The Texas A&M game was big. Not because it was close and we lost but the coaches need to provide proof to these guys that what they're preaching is right. Kids will buy in if the results support what the coaches are telling them. If they win against A&M then the energy would have been different when we played MTSU. But it was clear that some of the older guys checked out after the A&M game.

I live in Nashville. Murfreesboro, where MTSU is located, is about 30 miles outside of Nashville so I had a chance to hear what the players and coaches for MTSU had to say. Other than the bravado that comes when a program like MTSU gets a big win, the common theme from their players and coaches were Miami's lack of effort, and toughness and that Miami lacked discipline. One or two of their players said Miami was soft. They're right, we are soft, no doubt.

As the losses piled up the rift between the new coaching staff and the players grew wider until you saw a complete no-show against FSU at home. And if you paid attention to the game you could see that the FSU players and coaches knew Miami players had quit. I expect a mass exodus after the season. A lot of kids are heading to or being pushed to jump in the portal. I predict Miami will add 40+ players to the program this offseason with HS recruits and portal additions.

I don't care what the recruiting rankings say, Manny didn't leave much talent behind especially on the LOS. And the kids Manny left had not been developed. That shouldn't be a shock as we've been saying that for a while. These kids had no accountability under Manny and then had to welcome in Mario with his hardnosed, discipline style that demands toughness, discipline and physicality. It was a recipe for disaster and we're seeing that play out this year.

All that said, I still believe in what Mario is trying to do. And I believe he will get Miami back where it should be in CFB.
I don’t know. I think there’s a way to change the culture without having to toss the entire team off the roster. These are 18-22 year olds who live in an age of entitlement. This is not exclusive to UM, it’s universal. Holding players to account is good. Opening up competition is good. Ridding the program of superficial props like the TO chain, fine. But why would you come in and change the offense so drastically in the process while also taking a heavy-handed approach in all other affairs? That would spell failure 100% of the time. This was a complete mismanagement by Mario. I respect what he’s trying to do but he would be well-served by taking a sports psychology course.
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Hugh jackson Eagles DE, sports talk host in Atlanta.... says 1 thing that bears repeating " Film don't Lie
all these guys who are quitting on CMC may find themselves w/o a home soon. FWIW CMC needs to evaluate the staff and his
entire modus operandi as 50% of issues come form staff as well not getting buy in. buckle up your seats bumpy flight on the good ship CMC.......
He almost did just that a few years ago on Tech when Collins was coaching. For some reason, Dabo had it in for him. The Tigers rang 70 on us and even scored a touchdown with the back up punter in at quarterback.
He’s a sociopathic scumbag just beneath that Aw shucks veneer. And he has no shoulders. He’s a snake, I tell ya, a snake.
The Texas A&M game was big. Not because it was close and we lost but the coaches need to provide proof to these guys that what they're preaching is right. Kids will buy in if the results support what the coaches are telling them. If they win against A&M then the energy would have been different when we played MTSU. But it was clear that some of the older guys checked out after the A&M game.

I live in Nashville. Murfreesboro, where MTSU is located, is about 30 miles outside of Nashville so I had a chance to hear what the players and coaches for MTSU had to say. Other than the bravado that comes when a program like MTSU gets a big win, the common theme from their players and coaches were Miami's lack of effort, and toughness and that Miami lacked discipline. One or two of their players said Miami was soft. They're right, we are soft, no doubt.

As the losses piled up the rift between the new coaching staff and the players grew wider until you saw a complete no-show against FSU at home. And if you paid attention to the game you could see that the FSU players and coaches knew Miami players had quit. I expect a mass exodus after the season. A lot of kids are heading to or being pushed to jump in the portal. I predict Miami will add 40+ players to the program this offseason with HS recruits and portal additions.

I don't care what the recruiting rankings say, Manny didn't leave much talent behind especially on the LOS. And the kids Manny left had not been developed. That shouldn't be a shock as we've been saying that for a while. These kids had no accountability under Manny and then had to welcome in Mario with his hardnosed, discipline style that demands toughness, discipline and physicality. It was a recipe for disaster and we're seeing that play out this year.

All that said, I still believe in what Mario is trying to do. And I believe he will get Miami back where it should be in CFB.

i think this is the best explanation for what occurred. the players bought in until they saw at Texas A&M that Gattis and others suck. they quit after that (a good disciplined team would not have quit), including against MTSU and FSU. clear as day. so the blame is on both the coaching (and Mario for hiring Gattis) AND the players.
Back in the day I experienced coaching changes constantly that tried everything including running the VEER .
I don’t think many here ever heard of this offense before.
I took every change in stride, I kept dominating my challengers and kept studying the playbook new or old .
Change in coaches were never a problem didn’t care just RAN IT as described.

Basically like Tony Chickillo did even out of position Chick did his job and ended up with the Steelers for 4 years or so barely making NFL pension.
Anyway it’s a players choice embrace it or leave that’s the real world.

I know plenty about the veer. 🤣😂🤣